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1111 Various authors have added slightly different emphases, but this basic model is still the
2 only one offered in many textbooks (e.g .This demon-
3 strates how the various concepts given above interact in the process of communication.Components according to Hargie et al. (1999)
3 411 5
The communication source Encoding
Communicators (defined as the people involved)
Messages Channel Noise
6 Decoding
2 3 4 5
6 Taking these lists of factors, look back on the First Day in the Office case study.EXERCISE
4 This model (analogous to Clampitt's circuit approach) suggests that communication
5 comprises the following steps:
7 s
8 s 9
40 s 1 s 2
3 s 4111
Sender A wishes to achieve a certain communicative goal with respect to Receiver B. Taking into account B's background and their common background, A decides on a communication strategy and selects appropriate media.T able 1.1 illustrates the common
3 ground by comparing two definitions of the 'essential components of communication', one
4 taken from a best-selling US text on organizational behaviour and one from a leading British
5 text.6
9 Components according to Robbins (1998) 10
9 20111 1
The receiver Feedback
Table 1.1 The 'essential components' of communication?8 9 30
1 As communication is potentially always a two-way process, we will introduce a further,
2 more elaborate version of this process model, the systems model (Figure 1.3).A evaluates the feedback message to determine whether the message has been effective.A encodes a suitable message and sends it to B using the chosen media.Using both knowledge of A's background and his or her own background, B decodes and interprets the message. T aylor , 1999).What
7 factors do you think are the most important in this situation?

Original text

1111 Various authors have added slightly different emphases, but this basic model is still the
2 only one offered in many textbooks (e.g . T aylor , 1999). T able 1.1 illustrates the common
3 ground by comparing two definitions of the ‘essential components of communication’, one
4 taken from a best-selling US text on organizational behaviour and one from a leading British
5 text.
9 Components according to Robbins (1998) 10
9 20111 1
The receiver Feedback
Table 1.1 The ‘essential components’ of communication?
Components according to Hargie et al. (1999)
3 411 5
The communication source Encoding
Communicators (defined as the people involved)
Messages Channel Noise
6 Decoding
2 3 4 5
6 Taking these lists of factors, look back on the First Day in the Office case study. What
7 factors do you think are the most important in this situation?
8 9 30
1 As communication is potentially always a two-way process, we will introduce a further,
2 more elaborate version of this process model, the systems model (Figure 1.3). This demon-
3 strates how the various concepts given above interact in the process of communication.
4 This model (analogous to Clampitt’s circuit approach) suggests that communication
5 comprises the following steps:
7 s
8 s 9
40 s 1 s 2
3 s 4111
Sender A wishes to achieve a certain communicative goal with respect to Receiver B. Taking into account B’s background and their common background, A decides on a communication strategy and selects appropriate media.
A encodes a suitable message and sends it to B using the chosen media.
Using both knowledge of A’s background and his or her own background, B decodes and interprets the message.
A evaluates the feedback message to determine whether the message has been effective.

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