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Sharpening Your Speaking Skills
By now, you have probably made many class presentations.One survey revealed that 70 percent of employees who make pre-
sentations say that good presentation skills are important to career success.33 Yet
discomfort with public speaking holds some employees back.An advantage of giv-
ing class presentations is the chance to develop speaking skills.Speaking skills
refer to the ability to communicate information and ideas by talking so others
will understand.

Original text

Sharpening Your Speaking Skills
By now, you have probably made many class presentations. An advantage of giv-
ing class presentations is the chance to develop speaking skills. Speaking skills
refer to the ability to communicate information and ideas by talking so others
will understand. One survey revealed that 70 percent of employees who make pre-
sentations say that good presentation skills are important to career success.33 Yet
discomfort with public speaking holds some employees back. About 20 percent
of survey respondents revealed that they would avoid making presentations even
if it meant “losing respect.”34 Fortunately, there are resources to help you over-
come discomfort with public speaking, such as local Toastmasters clubs, which
provide opportunities to make formal and impromptu speeches in a supportive
Once you develop greater confidence to speak before others, it is necessary to
understand the characteristics of effective speaking. Attending successful business
professionals’ presentations or watching them online is
a good starting point. You will likely notice the following
characteristics in effective speakers: authenticity, humility,
brevity, and a clear understanding of the audience.35 And
to elaborate on brevity: No one ever complained about a
speech being too short!

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