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The existence of under-exploited gas reserves in the kingdom has been one of the strongest arguments for developing gas-based heavy industries.5 In general terms, the theory indicates that Saudi Arabia should establish and promote industries primarily based on natural gas and I or oil.For example, according to the Heckscher-Ohlin theory of international trade, a country tends to have lower comparative costs in the commodity that uses the largest amount of the relatively cheapest factor in its economy.Gas - especially the dry gases, methane and ethane - is an expensive product to transport, thus making it sensible to look for more productive uses for its exploitation.These considerations provide the fundamental rationale for specialization.

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The existence of under-exploited gas reserves in the kingdom has been one of the strongest arguments for developing gas-based heavy industries. Gas - especially the dry gases, methane and ethane - is an expensive product to transport, thus making it sensible to look for more productive uses for its exploitation. International trade theory is capable of rationalizing a gas-based industrialization strategy. For example, according to the Heckscher-Ohlin theory of international trade, a country tends to have lower comparative costs in the commodity that uses the largest amount of the relatively cheapest factor in its economy. These considerations provide the fundamental rationale for specialization. 5 In general terms, the theory indicates that Saudi Arabia should establish and promote industries primarily based on natural gas and I or oil. These are the industries, everything else aside, that are most likely to be efficient and successful. Fortunately for the Saudis, these industries are not only energy intensive but also capital intensive. Thus, they tend to utilize its abundant financial surplus as well as gas and oil. Once oil has been produced at an optimal rate, there is an excellent theoretical argument for developing gas intensive industries around. 6 These can either be chemical industries, which use the gas as a feedstock for conversion into higher value and more easily transportable chemical products, or they can be energy intensive industries such as steel or aluminum production, where the gas can be used as a reasonable cheap source of energy.

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