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Protecting critical assets from the most severe threats begins with securing all devices connected to your network.Foundstone infrastructure security services can help you identify vulnerabilities and focus on securing areas where a compromise would have the greatest impact and risk to your business.McAfee understand the policies and regulations that drive the need for security, especially for ecommerce and financial services.

Original text

Protecting critical assets from the most severe threats begins with securing all devices connected to your network. It's important to thoroughly test potential points of attack after identifying every live host, open port, and available service.
Foundstone infrastructure security services can help you identify vulnerabilities and focus on securing areas where a compromise would have the greatest impact and risk to your business.
McAfee understand the policies and regulations that drive the need for security, especially for ecommerce and financial services. their analysis is not disruptive to your organization and causes little to no impact on staff and business productivity.

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