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I was watching the moonlight shining from the huge pop episodes
Our eyes stood against the fountain and surrounded the Socs.They smelled

So much whiskey and English whipping that I almost choked on it.
Our girls picked up. Oh grease.Fountain when a sudden blast of a car horn made us jump.I shook his head.

Original text

The garden was two squares, with a fountain in the middle and a
Small pool for young children, elm trees made the garden dark and dark, and it will be
It was a good hangout, but we preferred our vacancy, and ponyboy liked the Shepherds outfit
The alleys are down the paths, so the park is left for lovers and young children.

The pony was about to turn into ice cream from the cold, and I grabbed my jeans and turned the collar.

Fountain when a sudden blast of a car horn made us jump.
He pulled one last on my lawn and put a heel under the heel. Five mites are coming straight to us, and from the way they were astonishing me
I thought they were reeling in a pickle, that scared me. It can be a cold, deadly trick sometimes
Get rid of them, but not if they outnumber you by five to two and are drunk

He was slowly circling the garden. I shook his head. "Do you want to run for it?"

A bottle, maybe it could scare us to death, but
We will never let them be satisfied knowing that.
It was Randy, Bob, and three other socialites, and they got to know us. I knew
I got to know them. I was watching the moonlight shining from the huge pop episodes
Our eyes stood against the fountain and surrounded the Socs. They smelled

So much whiskey and English whipping that I almost choked on it.
Our girls picked up. Oh grease. “I wished so badly
Dari and Soda will come looking for me. Four of us can handle them
Easily. “Do you know me?” “You are out of your territory,” I said, warning the pony in a low voice.

Randy swore at us and stepped in close. Bob was looking at me. "Do you know what grease is?" "Do you know what a Soc is?" "White litter with long hair."

The pony boy on them tried to bend over and run but SOC grabbed his arms and rolled him behind his back and put his face into the fountain The pony boy fell and was lying on the sidewalk by the fountain coughing and panting The wind was blowing through his sweaty shirt and his hair falling out while he was lying unconscious I attacked Bob from behind His back and I said he pokes a knife in his back I went to the pony boy to check on him His body was trembling me too My hands were trembling but I wasn't paying attention He was shocked boy The important thing Johnny said did you kill him I answered yes because he was going to drown you until you die and hit me with the blade Pray the dowry He said let's run away The police will arrive After a few minutes we ran away

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