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I have taken the training in Al Rajhi Bank at the Credit Department.Such list included for example that the bank targets Government sector more than private sector and that the bank and provided more financing offers to Government employees except for large companies of private sector such as Abdulatif Jameel, Al Naghi; and neglecting medium or small companies.I faced challenges such as confidential information access and new procedures related to the bank's transactions like verification and endorsement and communication with SAMA, which I have not got a chance to study academically.I got experienced in the following flowchart which represents the steps of getting credit approval for any business client approaching Al Rajhi Bank seeking credit funding.I managed to overcome those challenges by seeking assistance from my supervisors at the bank and learn the solutions.I gained good skills in using Excel for calculation of percentages and averages.

Original text

I have taken the training in Al Rajhi Bank at the Credit Department. I got experienced in the following flowchart which represents the steps of getting credit approval for any business client approaching Al Rajhi Bank seeking credit funding. I gained good skills in using Excel for calculation of percentages and averages. I faced challenges such as confidential information access and new procedures related to the bank's transactions like verification and endorsement and communication with SAMA, which I have not got a chance to study academically. I managed to overcome those challenges by seeking assistance from my supervisors at the bank and learn the solutions. I also faced a number of issues related to customers such as delay in disbursement or non-disbursement despite approval of credit facility. As for my initiatives, I decided to make a list of my observations and hand it over to my supervisor. Such list included for example that the bank targets Government sector more than private sector and that the bank and provided more financing offers to Government employees except for large companies of private sector such as Abdulatif Jameel, Al Naghi; and neglecting medium or small companies. I have tried to link between what I have academically studied at the college and the practical actual experience I had in Al Rajhi Bank. Little things I have not seen in academic study but it is there like the cross checking with SAMA for granting credit facility. However, this does not affect the importance of the coop experience overall.

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