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Peasants made up 5 to 80 percent of the Third Estate and owned about 35 to 40 percent of the land.When the revolution began, revolutionary leaders often quoted Enlightenment writers, especially Rousseau.At least half the peasants had little or no land to live on.

Feasants owed certain duties to the nobles, which were a holdover from me keval times when serfdom was widespread.The bourgeoisie included merchants, bankers, and industrialists, as well as professional people-lawyers, holders of public offices, doctors, and writers.Bad harvests in 1787 and 1788 and a slowdown in manufacturing led to food shortages, rising prices for food, and unemployment.For example, a peasant had to pay a fee to grind his flour or press his grapes because the local lord controlled the flour mill and wine press.In the 1700s, the price of consumer goods increased much faster than wages, which left these urban groups with decreased buying power.Both groups were increasingly upset with a monarchical system resting on privileges and on an old and rigid social order.Another part of the Third Estate consisted of urban craftspeople, shopkeepers, and workers.Some bourgeoisie had managed to become nobles by being appointed to public offices that conferred noble status.Despite these problems, the French king and his ministers continued to spend enormous sums of money on wars and court luxuries.When the harvest time came, the peasant had to work a certain number of days harvesting the noble's crop.Peasants fiercely resented these duties.The bourgeoisie (burzh wah.

Original text

Peasants made up 5 to 80 percent of the Third Estate and owned about 35 to 40 percent of the land. Middle class members of the Third Estate ownd the rest. At least half the peasants had little or no land to live on.

Feasants owed certain duties to the nobles, which were a holdover from me keval times when serfdom was widespread. For example, a peasant had to pay a fee to grind his flour or press his grapes because the local lord controlled the flour mill and wine press. When the harvest time came, the peasant had to work a certain number of days harvesting the noble's crop.

Peasants fiercely resented these duties. Another part of the Third Estate consisted of urban craftspeople, shopkeepers, and workers. These people were also struggling to survive. In the 1700s, the price of consumer goods increased much faster than wages, which left these urban groups with decreased buying power.

The bourgeoisie (burzh wah. ZEE), or middle class, was another part of the Third Estate. This group included about 8 percent of the population, or more than 2 million people. They owned about 20 to 25 percent of the land. The bourgeoisie included merchants, bankers, and industrialists, as well as professional people-lawyers, holders of public offices, doctors, and writers.

The middle class was unhappy with the privileges held by nobles. They did not want to abolish the nobility, however, but to better their own position. Some bourgeoisie had managed to become nobles by being appointed to public offices that conferred noble status. About 6,500 new nobles had been created by appointment during the 1700s.

The bourgeoisie also shared certain goals with the nobles. Both groups were increasingly upset with a monarchical system resting on privileges and on an old and rigid social order. Both were also drawn to the new political ideas of the Enlightenment.

Increased criticism of the old order of society had been part of the

eighteenth-century Enlightenment. The philosophes did not advocate

revolution. Their ideas, however, were widely spread among the
literate middle class and noble elites of France. When the revolution began, revolutionary leaders often quoted Enlightenment writers, especially Rousseau.

Social conditions and Enlightenment ideas, then, formed an underlying background to the French Revolution. The immediate cause of the revolution was the near collapse of the French budget. Although the economy had been expanding for 50 years, there were periodic crises. Bad harvests in 1787 and 1788 and a slowdown in manufacturing led to food shortages, rising prices for food, and unemployment.

On the eve of the revolution, the French economy was in crisis. Despite these problems, the French king and his ministers continued to spend enormous sums of money on wars and court luxuries. The Antoinette, was especially known for her extravagance and this too caused queen, Marie popular resentment. When the government decided to spend huge sums to help the American colonists against Britain, the budget went into total crisis.

With France on the verge of financial collapse, Louis XVI was forced to call a meeting of the Estates-General. This was the French parliament, and it had not met since 1614
Louis XVI called a meeting of the Estates-General at Versailles on May 5, 1789. In the Estates-General, the First and Second Estates each had about 300 representatives. The Third Estate had almost 600 representatives. Most of the Third Estate wanted to set up a constitutional government that would make the clergy and nobility pay taxes, too.

From the start, there were arguments about voting. Traditionally, each estate had one vote-the First and Second Estates could outvote the Third Estate two to one. The Third Estate demanded instead that each deputy have one vote. Under this new system, with the help of a few nobles and clerics, the Third Estate would then have a majority vote. The king, however, stated that he favored the current system.

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