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The benefit packages have enabled this company to attract, motivate and retain some of the best competencies, expertise and skills from expatriates from different parts of the world.Other benefits that act as motivating factors include company holidays, annual vacation, specified location allowance, personal effects shipments and shift or overtime premium.Most of the employees assert to this that the employment benefits they receive from Saudi Aramco company serves as a motivating factor for them to continue working in this company.This is payment given to employees on annual basis for travel costs to areas of origin from Saudi Arabia and their eligible dependents who resides in Saudi Arabia.Giving attractive payment benefits package is a mechanism that Saudi Aramco has perfected in its endeavours to motivate its employees and that has had tremendous positive effect on employee performance.On top of the base salary given to employees, overbase premiums or payments are also offered to act as motivating factor especially for expatriates on assignment.Annual cash payments equivalent to seventeen to nineteen percent of base salary per annum is also granted.Repatriation allowances are other benefits offered to employees of Saudi Aramco Company .Another major benefit package offered by Saudi Aramco Company to its employees is the retirement, insurance and savings plan.Saudi Aramco also offers educational assistant to the employees.This company recruits employees or expatriates from various parts of the country as well as the world .This is given depending on each individuals payroll.

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The benefit packages have enabled this company to attract, motivate and retain some of the best competencies, expertise and skills from expatriates from different parts of the world. Most of the employees assert to this that the employment benefits they receive from Saudi Aramco company serves as a motivating factor for them to continue working in this company.

On top of the base salary given to employees, overbase premiums or payments are also offered to act as motivating factor especially for expatriates on assignment.

This company recruits employees or expatriates from various parts of the country as well as the world . Another major benefit package offered by Saudi Aramco Company to its employees is the retirement, insurance and savings plan.

This is given depending on each individuals payroll. Annual cash payments equivalent to seventeen to nineteen percent of base salary per annum is also granted.

Repatriation allowances are other benefits offered to employees of Saudi Aramco Company . This is payment given to employees on annual basis for travel costs to areas of origin from Saudi Arabia and their eligible dependents who resides in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Aramco also offers educational assistant to the employees.
Other benefits that act as motivating factors include company holidays, annual vacation, specified location allowance, personal effects shipments and shift or overtime premium.

Giving attractive payment benefits package is a mechanism that Saudi Aramco has perfected in its endeavours to motivate its employees and that has had tremendous positive effect on employee performance.

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