
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (75%)

Marketing innovation is an aggressive method/advantage that empowers organizations to accomplish their objectives (bringing and continuing the biggest number of customers), in various and one of a kind way.Inventiveness is a Relative Indicator: Organizations contrast in their ability to develop, receive new and new structures and thoughts, and in their capacity to hazard such sorts of thoughts (let us recollect that an enormous piece of imagination is dangerous and bold), which implies that the level and level of in formativeness they will vary from organization to organization.Developing Markets Projects Manager, Google Middle East, Africa and Europe, Google's Creative Skills Lab encapsulates the system of Google in its journey to build-up to the outlook of advancement inside organizations and foundations, clarifying that it gives an incredible chance to members to address complex issues and advance a genuine advancement culture in the organization or association.Google, which utilizes in formativeness as an essential strategy in its work, can practice this advancement in one of the accompanying zones: administrations, estimating, and advancement.With Google representatives from around the globe to figure out how to handle complex issues and cultivate a culture of advancement inside their organizations and associations, utilizing a client-driven test configuration process.Advancement happens when business visionaries are grasped and upheld inside the association to drive new plans to address client needs and powerfully change economic situations.It is likewise prudent for pioneers to consider how to all the more likely interface workers to release rising advancements.For Google, where there are phases of advancement are the attention on the client, you can disregard cash and increase now, the most significant is the emphasis on the client and will pursue everything from that point forward.

النص الأصلي

Marketing innovation is an aggressive method/advantage that empowers organizations to accomplish their objectives (bringing and continuing the biggest number of customers), in various and one of a kind way. It is Husky an assurance that the organization will stay in the market. Inventiveness is a Relative Indicator: Organizations contrast in their ability to develop, receive new and new structures and thoughts, and in their capacity to hazard such sorts of thoughts (let us recollect that an enormous piece of imagination is dangerous and bold), which implies that the level and level of in formativeness they will vary from organization to organization. While this is undeniable, it has other essentials due to its effect on the general execution of the organization and in the entirety of its exercises. The more imaginative and open the interior condition of the organization is reflected in its promoting procedures and the manners by which it works. With their current and potential clients. Google, which utilizes in formativeness as an essential strategy in its work, can practice this advancement in one of the accompanying zones: administrations, estimating, and advancement. Google has the biggest Google Creative Skills Lab in the Middle East and Africa, held at GITEX Technology Week 2015, to empower the up and coming age of innovative individuals from the district. With Google representatives from around the globe to figure out how to handle complex issues and cultivate a culture of advancement inside their organizations and associations, utilizing a client-driven test configuration process. Developing Markets Projects Manager, Google Middle East, Africa and Europe, Google's Creative Skills Lab encapsulates the system of Google in its journey to build-up to the outlook of advancement inside organizations and foundations, clarifying that it gives an incredible chance to members to address complex issues and advance a genuine advancement culture in the organization or association. Advancement happens when business visionaries are grasped and upheld inside the association to drive new plans to address client needs and powerfully change economic situations. It is likewise prudent for pioneers to consider how to all the more likely interface workers to release rising advancements. For Google, where there are phases of advancement are the attention on the client, you can disregard cash and increase now, the most significant is the emphasis on the client and will pursue everything from that point forward.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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