
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

?It is argued that the performance of such a plant would be much higher than that of a conventional solar thermal power generation plant and a conventional combined cycle power plant mounted separately As much as the ISCC technology enhances efficiency by reducing energy waste it reduces Co, emissions during the power generation process: thus, an effective measure to cope with the increasing power demand while reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Integrating renewable energy sources into a building's design is not unknown practice in Kuwait, as-back in 1984 the Kuwait English School became the first building in the Middle East to harness 24.2 Kwof solar energy through BDPv panels en Unfortunately, aside from this early development, sustainable design did not take root in the country until 2008, when plans for Kuwait's first Gold LEED Sabah Al Ahmad International Financial Center were unveiled to the public

النص الأصلي

Kuwait has demonstrated interest in the application of renewable technologies since the late 1970s, the current RES installed capacity in Kuwait does not exceed 400KW, compared to hydrocarbons based power capacity of 13.6 GW in 2011 Kuwait seems to be committed to doing something about its future energy Kuwait established the National Nuclear Energy Committee (KNNEC) to consider the development of four nuclear plants with a capacity of one GW each In 2011 however, triggered by other environmental risks, Kuwait retracted from pursuing nuclear power as part of the country's energy mix and the government disbanded KNNEC the nuclear program has been reduced to research and training components under the responsibility of KISR s Curiously enough, almost in parallel to this decision, a MEW official announced that the country aims to generate 10 percent of its electricity from sustainable sources by 2020

The workshop on renewable energy applications was organized in cooperation with KISR, Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science (KFAS), Kuwait University and Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) and addressed solar energy in Kuwait, fuel cells used in desalination, methods of using renewable energy technologies in KOCactivities, as well as future applications of renewable energy technologies.

‏It is argued that the performance of such a plant would be much higher than that of a conventional solar thermal power generation plant and a conventional combined cycle power plant mounted separately As much as the ISCC technology enhances efficiency by reducing energy waste it reduces Co, emissions during the power generation process: thus, an effective measure to cope with the increasing power demand while reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Integrating renewable energy sources into a building's design is not unknown practice in Kuwait, as-back in 1984 the Kuwait English School became the first building in the Middle East to harness 24.2 Kwof solar energy through BDPv panels en Unfortunately, aside from this early development, sustainable design did not take root in the country until 2008, when plans for Kuwait's first Gold LEED Sabah Al Ahmad International Financial Center were unveiled to the public

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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