
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

As portable computers become more personal and are made smaller, they reach some physical limitations for having a keyboard.In pen computers, the pen is used to do the job of a mouse in addition to its specie c task of handwriting input.This paper will provide some information about on-line handwriting recognition, OCR and signature very cation.Another method of recognizing handwritten or even typewritten text is to scan the image of the written or typed document and to have the computer recognize the content of it. This, known as OCR (Optical Character Recognition), is a good method of extracting information from our archives which have been generated over hundreds, even thousands
of years.Typing illiteracy might not be very common in many western countries like the United States; however, it poses a big problem in countries like Iran or Arabic countries in which almost only secretaries know how to type in their native alphabet.Another reason for the practicality of a system which would accept hand-input is that with todays
Technology it is possible to have handwriting recognition in very small hand-held computers, however speech systems could not yet be made as small as to t in a standalone hand-held machine.Many countries have recently adopted automatic sorting techniques that will recognize the addresses on the mail pieces and sort them accordingly.

النص الأصلي

As portable computers become more personal and are made smaller, they reach some physical limitations for having a keyboard. Signature very action if done on-line could use the same pen-computers as discussed earlier to do a much better analysis of the signature than any human specialist will ever be able to do. Computer driven signature very action systems have much more information available to them, such as the local velocity of the pen-tip at die rent portions of the signature. Not being signature very action experts, it is apparent that these clerks' very action would be super
Coal even if it were conducted as required. Typing illiteracy might not be very common in many western countries like the United States; however, it poses a big problem in countries like Iran or Arabic countries in which almost only secretaries know how to type in their native alphabet. However, one deciding factor that gives the second set of countries an easier choice in deciding what to use for their input device is that computers are not very widespread in these countries. This paper will provide some information about on-line handwriting recognition, OCR and signature very cation.Another method of recognizing handwritten or even typewritten text is to scan the image of the written or typed document and to have the computer recognize the content of it. This, known as OCR (Optical Character Recognition), is a good method of extracting information from our archives which have been generated over hundreds, even thousands
of years. Many countries have recently adopted automatic sorting techniques that will recognize the addresses on the mail pieces and sort them accordingly. Another reason for the practicality of a system which would accept hand-input is that with todays
Technology it is possible to have handwriting recognition in very small hand-held computers, however speech systems could not yet be made as small as to t in a standalone hand-held machine. A
Most ancient way of solving this problem is to use communication skills of man which have developed for thousands of years namely, speech [1] and handwriting. Every year, many millions of dollars are lost to fraud which could be prevented by stricter signatureveri action strategy. It is much easier to dictate something than to write it. In regard to desktop computers, neither handwriting nor speech would necessarily have to replace the keyboard. In pen computers, the pen is used to do the job of a mouse in addition to its specie c task of handwriting input. Another important technology which is going to be brie touched here is signature very cation.Many data types are easier to input by pen than by keyboard. This limits the amount of computer usage in those countries.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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