
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (48%)

but Ben says he is a coward.Biff and Happy don jackets, while Linda walks out in mourning clothes and places flowers down on Willy's grave.Charley tells Linda that it is getting dark as she stares at Willy's grave.Biff says that he is a dime a dozen, and so is Willy, but Willy insists that neither of them are unimportant.Crying, Biff asks Willy to give up his phony dream.Willy refuses to take the blame for Biff's failure.Willy is amazed to realize that Biff likes him.Willy can't believe Biff cries for him.Linda says it is the first time in thirty-five years that she and Willy were nearly free and clear financially, because Willy only needed a little salary.Biff tells Willy that he is not coming back anymore and that he has no appointment with Oliver.Willy does not believe Biff, and tells him that he cut down his life for spite.Biff takes the rubber tube out of his pocket and puts it on the table.

النص الأصلي

but Ben says he is a coward. Biff tells Willy that he is not coming back anymore and that he has no appointment with Oliver. Willy does not believe Biff, and tells him that he cut down his life for spite. Willy refuses to take the blame for Biff's failure. Biff takes the rubber tube out of his pocket and puts it on the table. Biff asks if it is supposed to make him feel sorry for his father. Biff tells his father that the reason they couldn't find him for months was because he was in jail for stealing a suit, and that he has stolen something at every good job since high school. Biff says that he is a dime a dozen, and so is Willy, but Willy insists that neither of them are unimportant.Crying, Biff asks Willy to give up his phony dream. Willy is amazed to realize that Biff likes him. Linda says that he loves him. Willy can't believe Biff cries for him. Happy tells Linda that he will get married and change everything. Everybody goes to sleep but Willy, who remains in the kitchen talking to Ben. He imagines what wonderful things Biff could accomplish with $20,000 insurance money. Linda calls from her bedroom for Willy to come to bed, but Willy runs out of the house and speeds away in his car. Biff and Happy don jackets, while Linda walks out in mourning clothes and places flowers down on Willy's grave.Charley tells Linda that it is getting dark as she stares at Willy's grave. Deeply angered, Happy tells Linda that Willy had no right to commit suicide. Linda wonders where all of the people that Willy knew are. Linda says it is the first time in thirty-five years that she and Willy were nearly free and clear financially, because Willy only needed a little salary. Biff says that Willy had the wrong dreams and that he never knew who he was. Charley says that "nobody dast blame this man," for Willy was a salesman, and for a salesman there is no rock bottom to the life. A salesman has to dream

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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