
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

To automate a control system that makes the governance and management of the 10 branches of the coffee shop smooth, owners almost intend to enable an internal control system and inventory system to manage the stock.On one hand, this control will benefit the organization where it will prevent employees from stealing assets, its type of auditing, besides, provide evidence that preventive controls are operating as intended.Detective control is a process designed to achieve the effectiveness and efficiency of operations and the credibility of financial reports, this method could be taken by putting internal audits, reviews, reconciliation, financial reporting, financial statements, and physical inventories.Moreover, the periodic system is a process of inventory evaluation for financial coverage objectives in which a physical count of the inventory is presented at periods.This way, continuously updates the inventory strength register in a firm's database system, giving management an instant view of inventory but, is time-consuming and can produce stale numbers that are fewer useful to an organization. In addition, "it can be difficult to maintain an internal control system designed too rigidly to allow adaptation to a particular organization"') Will, 2021(also, it is quite expensive. There are many samples of detective control systems like "physical inventory checks, reviews of account reports and reconciliations, as well as assessments of current controls."

النص الأصلي

To automate a control system that makes the governance and management of the 10 branches of the coffee shop smooth, owners almost intend to enable an internal control system and inventory system to manage the stock. An inventory control system is “a technology solution that manages and tracks a company's goods through the supply chain”. It is a comprehensive methodology that controls administer the operation of purchasing, shipping, receiving, warehousing, and returns. The main advantage of it is that it will offer an exact image of what inventory you have, location, and when the owner needs to reorder its stock up. There are two types of it which are perpetual and periodic. The perpetual system “is a method of accounting for inventory that records the sale or purchase of inventory immediately using computerized point-of-sale systems and enterprise asset management software” .the greatest benefit of this method is that it provides a highly detailed assessment of stock changes with direct intelligence of the amount of stock in stock and truthfully reflects the level of merchandise available a highly detailed assessment of stock changes with direct intelligence of the amount of stock in inventory and truthfully reflects the level of merchandise available.in addition, a perpetual inventory system is distinguished from a periodic inventory system, a method in which a company maintains records of its inventory by regularly scheduled physical counts. It is characterized by the way a firm maintains records of its inventory through regularly organized physical inventories. Moreover, the periodic system is a process of inventory evaluation for financial coverage objectives in which a physical count of the inventory is presented at periods. This way, continuously updates the inventory strength register in a firm's database system, giving management an instant view of inventory but, is time-consuming and can produce stale numbers that are fewer useful to an organization. In particular, owners could implement internal control to facilitate the management process, one method could be taken that use detective control. Detective control is a process designed to achieve the effectiveness and efficiency of operations and the credibility of financial reports, this method could be taken by putting internal audits, reviews, reconciliation, financial reporting, financial statements, and physical inventories. On one hand, this control will benefit the organization where it will prevent employees from stealing assets, its type of auditing, besides, provide evidence that preventive controls are operating as intended. On other hand, if internal controls are poorly planned or implemented, it may result in employee frustration or indifference. In addition, “it can be difficult to maintain an internal control system designed too rigidly to allow adaptation to a particular organization”’) Will, 2021(also, it is quite expensive. There are many samples of detective control systems like “physical inventory checks, reviews of account reports and reconciliations, as well as assessments of current controls.”

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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