
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (83%)

After designing and implementing the distributed database system and us-ing it in the medical field, the following things were concluded:
1- The process of correct analysis of the existing system in the institution, had an effective impact on the representation of databases correctly and effectively.8- During the work on the implementation of the system, it was noted that the workers within the institution were slow to accept work on the com-puter system, especially from the partial data entry into the system, which requires the provision of a cadre specialized in data entry in institutions, and their entry into courses to raise the efficiency and capabilities of workers to facilitate work on the computer system.7- The system achieved its own goal, which is to design and represent dis-tributed databases successfully using Oracle and its accessories, success-fully applying distribution techniques such as horizontal segmentation and applying the basic concepts of distributed databases such as transparency, backup and recovery.9- The development of a trial period for the work of the system helped in identifying and evaluating errors and adding new requirements for bene-ficiaries and users that arise during work and correcting the course of the system in order to accept the different opinions of the beneficiaries in or-der to become acceptable to work on it.6- Building this system achieved its general objectives of inserting infor-mation systems distributed within Iraqi health institutions, and achieving data sharing between different units, with ease and follow-up of all daily work and obtaining information, reports and extracting periodic statistics easily and quickly, which helps to save time and effort.2- There was a remarkable role for the Oracle software in identifying and evaluating the most popular departments, and determining the size of the medical requirements that must be met from the necessary medical tools that must be available to save patients or relieve them, in addition to the expected net income to doctors and departments within the hospital.

النص الأصلي

After designing and implementing the distributed database system and us-ing it in the medical field, the following things were concluded:
1- The process of correct analysis of the existing system in the institution, had an effective impact on the representation of databases correctly and effectively.

2- There was a remarkable role for the Oracle software in identifying and evaluating the most popular departments, and determining the size of the medical requirements that must be met from the necessary medical tools that must be available to save patients or relieve them, in addition to the expected net income to doctors and departments within the hospital.

3- The software contributes to determining the dates and arrangement of pathological cases within each department separately, which contributes to facilitating administrative matters within each department separately in the hospital.

4- The distributed databases helped to distribute tasks to more than one site, which led to the speed of completion of work, reducing the burden of processing and achieving data privacy.

5- Oracle system has great capabilities in linking distributed databases on the network, and it also has high security features through the system of powers it possesses.

6- Building this system achieved its general objectives of inserting infor-mation systems distributed within Iraqi health institutions, and achieving data sharing between different units, with ease and follow-up of all daily work and obtaining information, reports and extracting periodic statistics easily and quickly, which helps to save time and effort.

7- The system achieved its own goal, which is to design and represent dis-tributed databases successfully using Oracle and its accessories, success-fully applying distribution techniques such as horizontal segmentation and applying the basic concepts of distributed databases such as transparency, backup and recovery.

8- During the work on the implementation of the system, it was noted that the workers within the institution were slow to accept work on the com-puter system, especially from the partial data entry into the system, which requires the provision of a cadre specialized in data entry in institutions, and their entry into courses to raise the efficiency and capabilities of workers to facilitate work on the computer system.

9- The development of a trial period for the work of the system helped in identifying and evaluating errors and adding new requirements for bene-ficiaries and users that arise during work and correcting the course of the system in order to accept the different opinions of the beneficiaries in or-der to become acceptable to work on it.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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