
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (81%)

Organizational culture develops and manifests itself differently in different organizations.
One cannot say that one culture is better than another, just that it is different in certain aspects. There is no ideal culture, only a good culture, appropriate to the organization. This means there cannot be a universal recipe for managing the culture of any organization, although there are certain approaches used as we are about to see.
Culture management refers to the implementation, the refreshment of the existing culture of an organization or the change of an obsolete culture. The approach of the organizational culture will be characterized by several general considerations. Social norms create differences across national boundaries that influence how people interact, read personal cues, and otherwise interrelate socially. Values and attitudes about similar circumstances also vary from country to country. Religion is yet another source of cultural differences. Holidays, practices, and belief structures differ in very fundamental ways that must be taken into account as one attempts to shape organizational culture in a global setting. Finally, education, or ways people are accustomed to learning, differ across national borders.

النص الأصلي

Organizational culture develops and manifests itself differently in different organizations. One cannot say that one culture is better than another, just that it is different in certain aspects. There is no ideal culture, only a good culture, appropriate to the organization. This means there cannot be a universal recipe for managing the culture of any organization, although there are certain approaches used as we are about to see.
Culture management refers to the implementation, the refreshment of the existing culture of an organization or the change of an obsolete culture. The approach of the organizational culture will be characterized by several general considerations. Social norms create differences across national boundaries that influence how people interact, read personal cues, and otherwise interrelate socially. Values and attitudes about similar circumstances also vary from country to country. Religion is yet another source of cultural differences. Holidays, practices, and belief structures differ in very fundamental ways that must be taken into account as one attempts to shape organizational culture in a global setting. Finally, education, or ways people are accustomed to learning, differ across national borders.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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رابط دائم

يمكنك مشاركة رابط التلخيص بسهولة حيث يحتفظ الموقع بالتلخيص لإمكانية الإطلاع عليه في أي وقت ومن أي جهاز ماعدا الملخصات الخاصة

مميزات أخري

نعمل علي العديد من الإضافات والمميزات لتسهيل عملية التلخيص وتحسينها

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