
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (12%)

First, one of the languages is Arabic.For example, the pillars of Islam are Shahada (testimony that there is no god but Allah and that Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah), Prayer, Zakat, Fasting (Ramadan fasting) and Pilgrimage (pilgrimage to those who have been able to avenue).For instance, the most famous sailors are Suleiman thee merchant, Ahmed bin Majid and Ibn Battuta.Arab civilization is a heritage linked to the Arab nation, which is distinct from other nations.It increases creativity in various areas of life.

النص الأصلي

First, one of the languages is Arabic. Arabic is the language of the Holy Quran. It has a unique letter that is only in this language. For example, this letter is difficult to pronounce on non-Arab or foreign. Arabic contains much more words than English. It is the most eloquent language in all languages of the world. It has many meanings and examples. Arabic is a difficult language that only native Arabs can speak it. On the other hand, English is the most spoken language in the world now. It is very important nowadays because it keeps us connected to others. In addition, country governments use English to facilitate communication between other countries. It helps us to talk when we travel abroad. I t has an essential role in our society. For instance, doctors write their medical reports and drug names in English. Also, pilots use English to speak with air traffic controllers. In the end, everyone must learn English because it is one of the most important languages in our world now.
Second, another great impact of cultural diversity is religions. Islam is a religion of compassion and tolerance. Islam is one of the best heavenly religions. Islam is based on equality in Islamic society. Through our great religion we learn moral values such as courage, honestly and patience. The example that I mentioned are the basis for assessing human action an adherence to the teachings of Islam. Islam does not different between the weak, the strong, the rich and the poor. It also does not distinguish between different nations and people only through obedience to god. Islam has five main pillars that a Muslim believes in and works in words and deeds. For example, the pillars of Islam are Shahada (testimony that there is no god but Allah and that Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah), Prayer, Zakat, Fasting (Ramadan fasting) and Pilgrimage (pilgrimage to those who have been able to avenue). Islam is sent to all people. It is the seal of religions and is considered the religion of equality between men and women. Christianity is different from the Islamic religion with the god they worship. Christians worship the Lord while Muslims worship God. Muslims worship God in the mosque while Christians worship the Lord in the church. Christians regard Jesus as their Savior. Christians have a different symbol of their religion, the Cross. Christians follow the Bible. There are several doctrines of Christians such as Catholicism, Protestantism and others. They have doctrines they follow in their lives that confirm their faith in the Lord. Also, they have seven sacraments. Finally, Christians have differences with a total of prayers.
The last thing of cultural diversity is civilizations around the world. There are two types of civilizations around the world. The first type is Arab civilization. Arab civilization is a heritage linked to the Arab nation, which is distinct from other nations. It represent the Arab tribes that have disappeared and the most famous of them are Aad, Thamud and Hadhramaut. Arab civilization has three manifestations they do in their lives. Firstly, language is considered as the mirror of people’s. And also, the poetry of the Arab is consider as a proof of their cultural and maturity. The Arabs put different names on many things that indicate their interest in the economy. Some of them started to take care of their own business. They gave women the freedom to dispose of their money and trade it. Women were distinguished in literature and poetry. Also, they shared the men to battlefields and they helped treat the injured. The Arabs were organizing their cruises to reach India and China. For instance, the most famous sailors are Suleiman thee merchant, Ahmed bin Majid and Ibn Battuta. The second type is Western civilization. Western civilization took the values from political thoughts which is based on human rights and equality. Western civilization is characterized by its members such as artistic and cultural freedoms. It gave the attention to the life sciences.
In conclusion, cultural diversity helps us to learn other cultures in all respects. It has provided us with a lot of information to develop our constrained ideas. It showed us that the world is very different in their cultures such as clothes and tradition. Cultural diversity gives freedom to express their ideas, spread their cultures and share their views with others. It increases creativity in various areas of life.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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