
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (91%)


To address how our work with research-validated learner-centered principles and practices for the past nearly 25 years can take the person-centered vision of Carl Rogers into the present and propel us to a new educational future requires a deeper look at our current educational context.
What are considered to be the gold standards for research quality are also rapidly changing along with what experts are suggesting are the most appropriate research models and research methodologies in educational research. Experts are acknowledging that the most important and valid research is increasingly conducted in real school and learning settings of all mixes, Another significant milestone that has been achieved is in the area of how experts are now defining the interconnectedness of learners and the value of relationships in helping learners of all ages achieve their potential and

pursue learning for a lifetime.
Research is growing that supports collaborative approaches among researchers from mul- tiple disciplines and research locations nationally and internationally as evidenced by recent efforts by Hargreaves and Fullan as well as systems thinkers such as Scharmer, Senge, Wheatley and Williams. There is also increased recognition that learners are leaders and all leaders in a learning system need to be supported in flexible ways as they demonstrate their leadership skills and special talents, How contextual variables connect with theoretical assumptions and research-validated principles confirming the validity of person-centered theories presents challenges to researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. We are now poised to meet these challenges with a new vision that can transform our thinking and educational systems.

Subsequent sections further articulate how Rogers' person-centered model has contributed in the past, where it has led us in the present, and into the future. The transformation so urgently needed in our educational systems toward learner-centered models is described, and a call to action for empowering the natural learning of all learners is presented

النص الأصلي


To address how our work with research-validated learner-centered principles and practices for the past nearly 25 years can take the person-centered vision of Carl Rogers into the present and propel us to a new educational future requires a deeper look at our current educational context. What are considered to be the gold standards for research quality are also rapidly changing along with what experts are suggesting are the most appropriate research models and research methodologies in educational research. Experts are acknowledging that the most important and valid research is increasingly conducted in real school and learning settings of all mixes, Another significant milestone that has been achieved is in the area of how experts are now defining the interconnectedness of learners and the value of relationships in helping learners of all ages achieve their potential and

pursue learning for a lifetime. Research is growing that supports collaborative approaches among researchers from mul- tiple disciplines and research locations nationally and internationally as evidenced by recent efforts by Hargreaves and Fullan as well as systems thinkers such as Scharmer, Senge, Wheatley and Williams. There is also increased recognition that learners are leaders and all leaders in a learning system need to be supported in flexible ways as they demonstrate their leadership skills and special talents, How contextual variables connect with theoretical assumptions and research-validated principles confirming the validity of person-centered theories presents challenges to researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. We are now poised to meet these challenges with a new vision that can transform our thinking and educational systems.

Subsequent sections further articulate how Rogers' person-centered model has contributed in the past, where it has led us in the present, and into the future. The transformation so urgently needed in our educational systems toward learner-centered models is described, and a call to action for empowering the natural learning of all learners is presented

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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