
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

dairy farm

The farm currently has more than ten thousand cows, and by 2026, the farm will have a capacity of 25,000 cows.Animal welfare is of paramount importance to Mazoon Dairy, which invests in advanced cow cooling systems that control internal temperatures, along with a number of other facilities to ensure that the herd is not under stress.tahzaa alrieayat alhayawaniat bi'ahamiyat quswaa min sharikat muzun lil'alban, wahaa tustathmir fi 'anzimat tabrid albaqar almutatawirat alati tatahakam bidarajat alhararat aldaakhiliati, jnbaan 'iilaa janb mae eadad min almarafiq al'ukhraa lidaman eadam taearud alqatie lildaghta.waqad aistathmarat muzun aydaan fi 'ahdath baramij al'iieashat watawafur ziarat li'akhisaayiy shahir ealmyaan fi taghdhiat al'abqar mashhur ealmyaan lidaman alhifaz ealaa sihat al'abqar wa'iintajitiha.kama taemal 'ajhizat al'iirsal/ alaistiqbal almuthabitat hawl riqabiha aydaan ealaa muraqabat 'anmat altaeam walnawm lilta'akud min tawfir alraahat lilqatie fi jamie al'awqati.There are 15 barns with temperature control system at 25..

النص الأصلي

dairy farm

The farm currently has more than ten thousand cows, and by 2026, the farm will have a capacity of 25,000 cows. There are 15 barns with temperature control system at 25. The cows on the farm are Holstein breed that can produce up to 30 liters of fresh milk per day. Mozoon ensures that it follows the highest standards of animal care applied in the Middle East to keep cows healthy, cared for and well fed. In addition, there is a milking room that records the productivity, milking time, peak milk flow and milking duration for each cow four times per day to ensure a continuous supply of fresh milk.
tahzaa alrieayat alhayawaniat bi'ahamiyat quswaa min sharikat muzun lil'alban, wahaa tustathmir fi 'anzimat tabrid albaqar almutatawirat alati tatahakam bidarajat alhararat aldaakhiliati, jnbaan 'iilaa janb mae eadad min almarafiq al'ukhraa lidaman eadam taearud alqatie lildaghta. yatimu 'iiwa' jamie alhayawanat ealaa tabaqat ramliat waeardiha ealaa alaikhtisasiiyn albaytariiyn ealaa madar alsaaeati. kama taemal 'ajhizat al'iirsal/ alaistiqbal almuthabitat hawl riqabiha aydaan ealaa muraqabat 'anmat altaeam walnawm lilta'akud min tawfir alraahat lilqatie fi jamie al'awqati. waqad aistathmarat muzun aydaan fi 'ahdath baramij al'iieashat watawafur ziarat li'akhisaayiy shahir ealmyaan fi taghdhiat al'abqar mashhur ealmyaan lidaman alhifaz ealaa sihat al'abqar wa'iintajitiha.
Animal welfare is of paramount importance to Mazoon Dairy, which invests in advanced cow cooling systems that control internal temperatures, along with a number of other facilities to ensure that the herd is not under stress. All animals are housed on sandy beds and shown to veterinarians around the clock. Transmitters/receivers installed around their necks also monitor eating and sleeping patterns to ensure that the herd is comfortable at all times. Mazoon has also invested in state-of-the-art catering programs and provides visits to a world-renowned cattle nutritionist to ensure the cows are kept healthy and productive.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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