
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (76%)

Of course, there experience has benefited me and acquired many things afterwards, and it was
Firstly,It is self-confidence, my self-confidence increased after I passed this topic, which was one of the things that affected me so I became fully confident that if I am want to evaluate something, I will be able to overcome it with self-confidence, which is the most important thing that I have acquired from this subject.I used this experience, searched for the best educational sites which helped me in Develop my skills
Fourthly, my way of thinking changed, so I began to think of many solutions in order to reach my goal.This experience is one of the most important experiences that I have acquired in this topic because you must have good information to convey the information and also to write a scientific research useful to benefit humanity.V, which is that I became a well-known face in my school and began to participate in many works and competitions which benifited me and the school.Secondly, the experience of being a leader.

النص الأصلي

Of course, there experience has benefited me and acquired many things afterwards, and it was
Firstly,It is self-confidence, my self-confidence increased after I passed this topic, which was one of the things that affected me so I became fully confident that if I am want to evaluate something, I will be able to overcome it with self-confidence, which is the most important thing that I have acquired from this subject.
Secondly, the experience of being a leader. This is one of the most important experiences that I have acquired. I had some concerns about this problem because I had not done this issue before, but by time I began to adapt that I must be aware of what I am doing because I am the leader.
Thirdly, it is the experience of searching for information. This experience is one of the most important experiences that I have acquired in this topic because you must have good information to convey the information and also to write a scientific research useful to benefit humanity. I used this experience, searched for the best educational sites which helped me in Develop my skills
Fourthly, my way of thinking changed, so I began to think of many solutions in order to reach my goal.
V, which is that I became a well-known face in my school and began to participate in many works and competitions which benifited me and the school.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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