
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (100%)

The small enterprises are one of the most important things that help the state to rise in economic and living standards and work to develop economic development in the country, and this idea captures the minds of many young people to start small projects, and may be some countries to initiate small projects to help the unemployed and to occupy jobs with lucrative salaries .small enterprises are Encouraging and motivating the youth, especially young graduates, who are the most unemployed category because government jobs do not provide job opportunities at graduation directly, which hampers the country's intellectual and economic development.We will talk about today the importance of small and medium enterprises and how to achieve a rewarding financial income and there are many ways to start small projects, and small enterprises may take advantage of the first ranks in being the easiest and for the security of the person and also inexpensive.Small enterprises are among the economic sectors that occupy the top positions in all countries of the world where small projects are suitable for people with limited income.The State has a great burden that must strive to implement it to the fullest extent of exploitation of young people and the exploitation of their abilities and energy kinetic and intellectual in such small projects may benefit the individual and society.Small and medium enterprises may work to push the economy of countries and eliminate unemployment and provide employment opportunities for young people.Small businesses can help eliminate a large group of street beggars and help them start a productive life with a rewarding monthly income.There is a great deal of creativity and innovation in the field of small and medium enterprises, where they open up many areas of investment for young people.The small enterprises help to push the productive movement in the country and increase exports and raise the living and civilized standard.The government should provide incentives for young people and create practical opportunities for qualified youth for the labor market so that this will contribute to the development of the economy in the country and raise the standard of living of the individual in society.Small enterprises may serve to meet the needs of the citizen of products and goods that may not exist in the markets surrounding them.- Innovation and creativity when undertaking small projects.Small and medium enterprises offer many low-priced goods.Small enterprises create job opportunities for many young people and women and reduce pressure on government jobs.- You must be patient and honest to be able to undertake and develop small projects.- Develop the project products and industries well.The idea of small projects takes the minds of young people because they are easy to implement and start.All of these enterprises start with a small capital and a small number of workers.It is very suitable for them.Reasons for success in small businesses:
- Good project management must be available.- Identify appropriate capital for the project.

النص الأصلي

The small enterprises are one of the most important things that help the state to rise in economic and living standards and work to develop economic development in the country, and this idea captures the minds of many young people to start small projects, and may be some countries to initiate small projects to help the unemployed and to occupy jobs with lucrative salaries .
We will talk about today the importance of small and medium enterprises and how to achieve a rewarding financial income and there are many ways to start small projects, and small enterprises may take advantage of the first ranks in being the easiest and for the security of the person and also inexpensive.
Small enterprises are among the economic sectors that occupy the top positions in all countries of the world where small projects are suitable for people with limited income. It is very suitable for them. The idea of small projects takes the minds of young people because they are easy to implement and start. All of these enterprises start with a small capital and a small number of workers. Small and medium enterprises may work to push the economy of countries and eliminate unemployment and provide employment opportunities for young people.
Small and medium enterprises offer many low-priced goods. Small enterprises may serve to meet the needs of the citizen of products and goods that may not exist in the markets surrounding them. Small enterprises create job opportunities for many young people and women and reduce pressure on government jobs. There is a great deal of creativity and innovation in the field of small and medium enterprises, where they open up many areas of investment for young people.
The small enterprises help to push the productive movement in the country and increase exports and raise the living and civilized standard.
Small businesses can help eliminate a large group of street beggars and help them start a productive life with a rewarding monthly income.
small enterprises are Encouraging and motivating the youth, especially young graduates, who are the most unemployed category because government jobs do not provide job opportunities at graduation directly, which hampers the country's intellectual and economic development. The government should provide incentives for young people and create practical opportunities for qualified youth for the labor market so that this will contribute to the development of the economy in the country and raise the standard of living of the individual in society. The State has a great burden that must strive to implement it to the fullest extent of exploitation of young people and the exploitation of their abilities and energy kinetic and intellectual in such small projects may benefit the individual and society.
Reasons for success in small businesses:

  • Good project management must be available.

  • Identify appropriate capital for the project.

  • Innovation and creativity when undertaking small projects.

  • You must be patient and honest to be able to undertake and develop small projects.

  • Develop the project products and industries well.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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