
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (100%)

Maintenance strategy
is frequently defined as a decision rule that determines the sequence of steps that must be taken to maintain the functionality of the system that we use in the workplace.It is a process that seeks to select effective strategy with the least amount of work and maintenance expense.To ensure operational continuity and risk management, all maintenance initiatives must have well defined parameters.Maintenance tactics are designed to increase productivity and quality while lowering operating expenses.Maintenance strategies fall into one of three types: corrective (reactive), predictive and preventive.Assessing the negative effects of failure (economic, environmental, safety, etc.) might help determine how crucial it is to avoid failure.o Condition-based maintenance (CBM), monitoring characteristics of operation to plan maintenance when failure is imminent.There are a variety of elements to take into account while selecting maintenance procedures.It offers scheduling-related information and can be assigned to as many tasks (such as the tasks of the project manager) as required.o Run to breakdown maintenance (RTB, also called run to failure or failure ending maintenance) allowing operations to run until they fail.o Time-based Maintenance (TBM), scheduling work to reduce failure chances.2

Risk-based maintenance is one of the most crucial instruments in maintenance planning (RBM).Particular attention should be paid to the costs associated with downtime and repairs.The maintenance approach is defined by time-related parameters.Most common maintenance strategies are: run to breakdown, time-based maintenance and condition based maintenance.The choice of maintenance planning must take into account cost considerations.

النص الأصلي

Maintenance strategy
is frequently defined as a decision rule that determines the sequence of steps that must be taken to maintain the functionality of the system that we use in the workplace. It offers scheduling-related information and can be assigned to as many tasks (such as the tasks of the project manager) as required. Maintenance tactics are designed to increase productivity and quality while lowering operating expenses. Maintenance strategies fall into one of three types: corrective (reactive), predictive and preventive. Most common maintenance strategies are: run to breakdown, time-based maintenance and condition based maintenance.
• Run to breakdown maintenance (RTB, also called run to failure or failure ending maintenance) allowing operations to run until they fail.
• Time-based Maintenance (TBM), scheduling work to reduce failure chances.
• Condition-based maintenance (CBM), monitoring characteristics of operation to plan maintenance when failure is imminent.
There are a variety of elements to take into account while selecting maintenance procedures. To ensure operational continuity and risk management, all maintenance initiatives must have well defined parameters. The choice of maintenance planning must take into account cost considerations. Particular attention should be paid to the costs associated with downtime and repairs. Assessing the negative effects of failure (economic, environmental, safety, etc.) might help determine how crucial it is to avoid failure. To modify the maintenance schedule, it is helpful to know the chance of failure. The maintenance approach is defined by time-related parameters.

     Risk-based maintenance is one of the most crucial instruments in maintenance planning (RBM). It is a process that seeks to select effective strategy with the least amount of work and maintenance expense.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

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