
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

He's the most for both stranger among them do you ever get scared I swear to you I want to tattoo her all over my entire body she said of course I do I call my sister's day remind me that we will be better than these men and that we will not fail curious confidence to chase down lions and catch poachers it didn't come from her athletic ability or even just her face her confidence was propped up by Sisterhood Community but she was basically saying with the if I am ever in doubt I need you to be there to restore my hope and to rebuild my certainty a conference I can find Community rather I can find my confidence and your curiosity and affirm it early in my career I let a large-scale event that did not go exactly as planned I'm lying to you it was terrible and when I debrief the event with my manager I just knew that she was going to run down the list of every mistake I had ever made, she opens with a question what was your intention I was surprised but relieved I knew that I was already beating myself up and that question invited me to learn from my own mistakes instead of damage my already fragile confidence curiosity invite people to be in charge of their own learning that exchange and help me approach my next project with the expectation of success Mission Community curiosity all of these are the things that we will need to breed the confidence and will absolutely need to solve our greatest challenges and to build the world we dream a world where inequity is ended and where Justice is real a world where we can be free on the outside and free on the inside because we know that none of us are free until all of us are free a world that isn't intimidated by confidence when it shows up as a woman or in black skin or in anything other than our preferred archetypes of leadership a world that knows that kind of power is exactly the key we need unlock the future that we want I have enough confidence to believe that that world will indeed come to pass and that we are the ones to make it so thank you so much.

النص الأصلي

He's the most for both stranger among them do you ever get scared I swear to you I want to tattoo her all over my entire body she said of course I do I call my sister's day remind me that we will be better than these men and that we will not fail curious confidence to chase down lions and catch poachers it didn't come from her athletic ability or even just her face her confidence was propped up by Sisterhood Community but she was basically saying with the if I am ever in doubt I need you to be there to restore my hope and to rebuild my certainty a conference I can find Community rather I can find my confidence and your curiosity and affirm it early in my career I let a large-scale event that did not go exactly as planned I'm lying to you it was terrible and when I debrief the event with my manager I just knew that she was going to run down the list of every mistake I had ever made, she opens with a question what was your intention I was surprised but relieved I knew that I was already beating myself up and that question invited me to learn from my own mistakes instead of damage my already fragile confidence curiosity invite people to be in charge of their own learning that exchange and help me approach my next project with the expectation of success Mission Community curiosity all of these are the things that we will need to breed the confidence and will absolutely need to solve our greatest challenges and to build the world we dream a world where inequity is ended and where Justice is real a world where we can be free on the outside and free on the inside because we know that none of us are free until all of us are free a world that isn't intimidated by confidence when it shows up as a woman or in black skin or in anything other than our preferred archetypes of leadership a world that knows that kind of power is exactly the key we need unlock the future that we want I have enough confidence to believe that that world will indeed come to pass and that we are the ones to make it so thank you so much.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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