
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (11%)

Kitchen management.Give me ingredients
gives me a method that has a consistent outcome.This is a company that delivers thousands
of burgers in multiple countries by unskilled labor.so it meets customer expectation
??Most customers don't love surprises so
??deliver what you say you're going to deliver
??Meet their expectations
It sounds simple, doesn't it?McDonald's.

النص الأصلي

Kitchen management.

What we're going to go through here
‎‏is which systems are most important to your business
‎‏and also just thinking about which systems
‎‏are critical to give you a fantastic, consistent product.
‎‏Kitchen systems.
‎‏?Why are they so important
It's all about consistency
Consistency for your customer.
Let me give you a great example.
Whether you love it, whether you hate it, doesn't matter.
This is a company that delivers thousands
of burgers in multiple countries by unskilled labor.
Time and time again they get it consistent
‎‏. so it meets customer expectation
‎‏Most customers don't love surprises so
‎‏deliver what you say you're going to deliver
‎‏Meet their expectations
It sounds simple, doesn't it?
How do we maintain consistency in our kitchen?
Through great systems.
Now l'd like to think of a system as a recipe.
Give me ingredients
gives me a method that has a consistent outcome.
That's why we have recipes.
Other great systems in the kitchen might be a roster.
Where are your staff?
What are they doing at any particular time?
That's for you, as the leader, to set up.
Food safety.
Another very important system.
What does that look like for you?
Is it something digitized?
Is it something you've got written down?
If you don't have a system, you've got no one to train,
to teach how to do it.
Ordering how does the food turn up where it needs to be?
There's a process and a system in place
to make sure that everything you need and your team need
are there
Now, I know from personal experience
that chefs are time poor.
Tech is increasing so quickly so getting live time, much more
What's your email look like?
What's your social media position coming together-like?
What's your calendar?
You need to control your time so your time does not control you.
With established systems, the whole kitchen runs to a rhythm.
We've all been in that circumstance
when everything just flows together.
‎‏That doesn't happen just by itself, but as a leader, you set all of those wheels in motion
‎‏so that service is effortless
‎‏Systems simply take the guesswork out of the equation
‎‏and set up a clean benchmark for your kitchen
‎‏As an executive chef, cooking is the easiest thing
‎‏that you'll do
‎‏Showing how to make a pasta, or to make a fantastic fish dish
‎‏that's a process
‎‏No problem
‎‏I like to think of human resource, more specifically
‎‏the human side of it
‎‏We're open to error
‎‏We're open to interpretation
‎‏So coming back to you benchmark and your standards,
‎‏we'll make sure that you've got consistency time and time
Just a couple of things for you to do now
to make you more effective.
Write down a list of all the systems
you are currently running.
Go through them with a fine tooth comb.
Find out any opportunities to make them better.
Secondly, get your back of house in order.
What do your systems look like and are they
the best for your business?

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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