
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (72%)

THE POLISH WIFE OF A Pennsylvania coal miner, both admitted a year before, had gone back suddenly to Poland to visit her old.The deck of a British ship is British soil." 'British quota was exhausted yesterday, replied the inspector. That was a blow. But I had another shot. 'Come to think of it, I remarked, 'the Lapland hails from Antwerp. That's in Belgium. The baby is Belgian. Use the Belgian quota."'Belgian quota ran out a week ago,' said the inspector."Oh, look here,' I began again. I've got it! It is clear to me that the mother was hurrying back, so the baby would be born here and be a native-born American citizen. No immigrant business at all . This baby had the intention to be born in America, only the ship was a day late and that upset everything. And under - the law the baby, by intention, was born in America. It is an American baby- no baby Pole at all, no British, no Belgian- just a good American baby. That's the way I rule!"Mother and child were both doing well in the Ellis Island hospital, everyone was delighted, until the inspector admitted the mother, but excluded the baby.She would be admitted at once, for little visits do not count against quotas.Then the ship came in, the Lapland of the Red Star line, from Antwerp, and we found out why he was so nervous.'Polish quota exhausted,' pronounced the helpless inspector.'The baby was not born in Poland,' I ruled, but on a British ship.She is chargeable to the British quota.

النص الأصلي

THE POLISH WIFE OF A Pennsylvania coal miner, both admitted a year before, had gone back suddenly to Poland to visit her old. father, who had taken sick and might soon die. The visit over, she returned to America. She would be admitted at once, for little visits do not count against quotas. Her husband was at Ellis Island, waiting for her. We told him everything would be all right, but he still looked extremely nervous. Then the ship came in, the Lapland of the Red Star line, from Antwerp, and we found out why he was so nervous. On the day before the ship made port, out on the high seas, a baby had been born to the returning mother. Mother and child were both doing well in the Ellis Island hospital, everyone was delighted, until the inspector admitted the mother, but excluded the baby.

"Why?" asked the father, trembling. 'Polish quota exhausted,' pronounced the helpless inspector. They brought the case to me. Deport the baby? I couldn't. But somebody had to act quickly, for the mother was not doing well under the idea that her baby would soon be taken from her.

'The baby was not born in Poland,' I ruled, but on a British ship. She is chargeable to the British quota. The deck of a British ship is British soil."

'British quota was exhausted yesterday, replied the inspector. That was a blow. But I had another shot. 'Come to think of it, I remarked, 'the Lapland hails from Antwerp. That's in Belgium.

The baby is Belgian. Use the Belgian quota." 'Belgian quota ran out a week ago,' said the inspector. I was

stumped. "Oh, look here,' I began again. I've got it! It is clear to me that the mother was hurrying back, so the baby would be born here and be a native-born American citizen. No immigrant business at all . This baby had the intention to be born in America, only the ship was a day late and that upset everything. And under - the law the baby, by intention, was born in America. It is an American baby- no baby Pole at all, no British, no Belgian- just a good American baby. That's the way I rule!"

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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