
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

Since medication errors are a global threat for healthcare workers' and patients' safety, we tried in our study to apply Six Sigma set of steps (DMAIC) integrated into TQM tools to recommend a new technique to prevent medication error incidences in healthcare sections.According to this matrix, the selected choice was to support handwritten prescriptions by suggestion of assistant sheets; Guideline Recommendations to Improve Handwritten Prescriptions to be used by the physicians working in the Hospital.These sheets are Review Sheets in accordance with the Guideline Recommendation, Daily Review Sheets, and Indicators for Guideline.First, we defined the medication errors and determined their problems to set the objective of this study which is reducing the incidence of administrated medication doses to meet the global standards without any extra cost.The two main improvement strategies were either to improve the prescription hand writing or to eliminate them by automation.To prevent the remedy, we kept the feedback loops as short as possible.

النص الأصلي

Since medication errors are a global threat for healthcare workers’ and patients’ safety, we tried in our study to apply Six Sigma set of steps (DMAIC) integrated into TQM tools to recommend a new technique to prevent medication error incidences in healthcare sections. First, we defined the medication errors and determined their problems to set the objective of this study which is reducing the incidence of administrated medication doses to meet the global standards without any extra cost. Then, we moved to the “measure” phase of six sigma approach. We were able to determine SIPOC for medication process, listen to The Voice Of The Customer, and to define the operation with its boundaries. In analyzing step, we formulated theories through brainstorming to consider the full range of possible causes of medication error incidences by data collection using Medication Error Causes- Data Sheet. Then, we analyzed the collected data using Pareto Diagrams to determine the Vital Few. In this step, we found that Prescribing Error Incidences occur in 42.8% after which come Administrating Errors, monitoring Errors and Dispensing Errors, with 24.8%,18.2%,14.2% respectively. In prescribing error incidences the poor handwriting orders had a higher score than other sub-causes. Therefore, we compared between two strategies for this sub-causes using Remedy Selection Matrix in the “Improve” phase of six sigma steps. The two main improvement strategies were either to improve the prescription hand writing or to eliminate them by automation. According to this matrix, the selected choice was to support handwritten prescriptions by suggestion of assistant sheets; Guideline Recommendations to Improve Handwritten Prescriptions to be used by the physicians working in the Hospital. To prevent the remedy, we kept the feedback loops as short as possible. A number of sheets were also suggested in the control step to audit the controllers. These sheets are Review Sheets in accordance with the Guideline Recommendation, Daily Review Sheets, and Indicators for Guideline. Finally, we hope that this proposed strategy for improving mediation use will be applied by other healthcare researches, to know how much

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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