
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

‎‏The Italian meringue is the most steady

‎ ‏of all the meringues , making it extraordinary as an icing

fixing, or segment in pastries.

In this exercise, I'll take you through the formula and strategy

to set up a shiny, steady, Italian meringue,

also, when it's ideal to utilize it.

Italian meringue is cooked by pouring hot sugar

syrup into egg whites while it's whisking.

It's flexible.

It tends to be enhanced and utilized as cake filling.

It is additionally required for the air circulation of mousses and creams.

Something unique is the means by which the human tongue

sees the surface of Italian meringue.

Its smooth and rich and can be a magnificent substitute

for high - fat whipped cream and decreased - fat arrangements.

To begin you'll require the accompanying fixings.

60 grams or 2.1 ounces of egg whites, 150 grams or 5.3 ounces

of caster sugar, 40 grams or 1.4 ounces of water.

The gear will be an electric blending bowl, swell

whisk, thermometer, pot, a warming component,

what's more, an elastic spatula.

Egg whites will go into the blending bowl,

start with your egg whites at room temperature,

in any case the sugar syrup may solidify.

Begin whisking egg whites in a blending bowl at moderate speed.

Presently we can move to the sugar syrup.

On low temperature bring water and caster sugar to 118 degrees


Expel the sugar syrup from the warmth,

Presently you can turn up the blender to medium.

Turn up the blender to rapid and pour the sugar syrup

in a constant flow.

Keep on racing until the outside of the blending bowl

is cool to contact.

This would now be able to be utilized for cake filling or to top a sweet.

With regards to Italian meringue,

It's everything about planning and temperature.

Set up the entirety of your fixings and workstation

ahead before beginning.

For you, follow this formula and technique

to make an Italian meringue this end of the week

what's more, consider what you may utilize it for.

To accomplish extraordinary outcomes utilize the three messages I have for you.

Italian meringue is a fantastic substitute

for high - fat whipped cream and diminished - fat arrangements,

what's more, utilize a spotless, little pan and exact thermometer

to make sugar syrup.

النص الأصلي

‎‏The Italian meringue is the most steady

‎ ‏of all the meringues , making it extraordinary as an icing

fixing, or segment in pastries.

In this exercise, I'll take you through the formula and strategy

to set up a shiny, steady, Italian meringue,

also, when it's ideal to utilize it.

Italian meringue is cooked by pouring hot sugar

syrup into egg whites while it's whisking.

It's flexible.

It tends to be enhanced and utilized as cake filling.

It is additionally required for the air circulation of mousses and creams.

Something unique is the means by which the human tongue

sees the surface of Italian meringue.

Its smooth and rich and can be a magnificent substitute

for high - fat whipped cream and decreased - fat arrangements.

To begin you'll require the accompanying fixings.

60 grams or 2.1 ounces of egg whites, 150 grams or 5.3 ounces

of caster sugar, 40 grams or 1.4 ounces of water.

The gear will be an electric blending bowl, swell

whisk, thermometer, pot, a warming component,

what's more, an elastic spatula.

Egg whites will go into the blending bowl,

start with your egg whites at room temperature,

in any case the sugar syrup may solidify.

Begin whisking egg whites in a blending bowl at moderate speed.

Presently we can move to the sugar syrup.

On low temperature bring water and caster sugar to 118 degrees


Expel the sugar syrup from the warmth,

Presently you can turn up the blender to medium.

Turn up the blender to rapid and pour the sugar syrup

in a constant flow.

Keep on racing until the outside of the blending bowl

is cool to contact.

This would now be able to be utilized for cake filling or to top a sweet.

With regards to Italian meringue,

It's everything about planning and temperature.

Set up the entirety of your fixings and workstation

ahead before beginning.

For you, follow this formula and technique

to make an Italian meringue this end of the week

what's more, consider what you may utilize it for.

To accomplish extraordinary outcomes utilize the three messages I have for you.

Italian meringue is a fantastic substitute

for high - fat whipped cream and diminished - fat arrangements,

what's more, utilize a spotless, little pan and exact thermometer

to make sugar syrup.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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رابط دائم

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مميزات أخري

نعمل علي العديد من الإضافات والمميزات لتسهيل عملية التلخيص وتحسينها

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