
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (84%)

As a creative Microsoft educator of mine, I used Microsoft tools to collaborate with my classmates class, and students.The value of these tools lies in Its ability to promote effective collaboration, facilitate communication, and promote shared learning experiences provides a seamless platform use me and my colleagues to work together, share resources, and engage in meaningful discussions.PowerPoint These tools provide powerful features for collaboration, such as real-time co-editing, comments, and change tracking across Office 365, you can your classmates/learners will collaborate on documents together simultaneously, providing value addition through contributions comments and reviews.The student puts a video and this video must be summarized using a hyperlink between the PowerPoint and the form often the English language projects are preparing a lesson by the students using PowerPoint and then it is presented to the students on the team's platform in broadcast classes, and in the classroom in direct attendance classes.As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, education has changed with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms.The PowerPoint tool enhances the student's many skills, during lesson preparation After its explanation when the student prepares a lesson using a PowerPoint, he tries to characterize his lesson with colors, formats, and movements that fit with the age group as well as with the topic of the lesson.I used Microsoft Forms for formative assessment by measuring students' knowledge and evaluating course progress throughout a unit or at the end of each lesson.collaboration features allow students to share ideas and collaborate on Projects and submit notes on shared notes offices.This tool achieves the desired learning goals because it contains various options, such as writing, audio, and video.These tools provide valuable insights that improve collaboration and promote effective communication.Tools included Notable collaborations from Microsoft include: 1- Microsoft Teams is one of the most effective tools I have ever used in learning.Microsoft Teams enabled me to connect with my students either in public using posts and announcements or in private using chat.High lightening different parts of speech and increasing the spacing made it easier for the students to read or listen to the passage read aloud.It allows me to organize my notes and collaborate with others and access them from multiple devices.5-The PowerPoint tool is for presentations, it contributes to preparing the student's personality while he is sitting and preparing for the lesson, in control of everything that will be placed in it from the scientific material and skills, in addition to the teacher's support.Using the immersive reader, Students with low vision detected and read elements on the screen.SharePoint: used to securely share and collaborate on documents and files.Provides a central hub where I can Store, organize, and share resources with my colleagues.SharePoint also integrates well with other Microsoft tools to increase productivity and share knowledge.It enhances her personal development, as well as helps the student's self-confidence, and when the student explains and represents the role of the little teacher, this makes her employ the skill of critical thinkingAs an ESL teacher, one of the most effective tools I used with my students was the Immersive Reader.It helped my students to navigate the text as it reads each line.I was able to take any passage of text and set up students so they can hear it read aloud.2- OneNote: I used it to create and share digital journals.3- 365 Cloud Office: I use all Word, Excel, and Outlook applications.4- OneDrive: Allows easy access and sharing of files across different devices.

النص الأصلي

As a creative Microsoft educator of mine, I used Microsoft tools to collaborate with my classmates class, and students. These tools provide valuable insights that improve collaboration and promote effective communication. Tools included Notable collaborations from Microsoft include: 1- Microsoft Teams is one of the most effective tools I have ever used in learning. As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, education has changed with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. Microsoft Teams enabled me to connect with my students either in public using posts and announcements or in private using chat. I could build my own classrooms and give my classes easily. Students shared their ideas and answers using their mics, cameras, or writing in the chat box. It gave them a way to collaborate by using the break-out rooms. Even assignments are available on teams which made it easier for them to do their assignments and homework without forgetting any of them. I used Microsoft Forms for formative assessment by measuring students' knowledge and evaluating course progress throughout a unit or at the end of each lesson. Using the immersive reader, Students with low vision detected and read elements on the screen. By introducing many types of questions, Quizzes became easier and all the student can find their way to solve them. As an ESL teacher, one of the most effective tools I used with my students was the Immersive Reader. It helped my students to navigate the text as it reads each line. I was able to take any passage of text and set up students so they can hear it read aloud. High lightening different parts of speech and increasing the spacing made it easier for the students to read or listen to the passage read aloud. Students also had the option to break down syllables and access a Picture Dictionary. 2- OneNote: I used it to create and share digital journals. It allows me to organize my notes and collaborate with others and access them from multiple devices. collaboration features allow students to share ideas and collaborate on Projects and submit notes on shared notes offices. SharePoint: used to securely share and collaborate on documents and files. Provides a central hub where I can Store, organize, and share resources with my colleagues. SharePoint also integrates well with other Microsoft tools to increase productivity and share knowledge. 3- 365 Cloud Office: I use all Word, Excel, and Outlook applications. PowerPoint These tools provide powerful features for collaboration, such as real-time co-editing, comments, and change tracking across Office 365, you can your classmates/learners will collaborate on documents together simultaneously, providing value addition through contributions comments and reviews. 4- OneDrive: Allows easy access and sharing of files across different devices. The value of these tools lies in Its ability to promote effective collaboration, facilitate communication, and promote shared learning experiences provides a seamless platform use me and my colleagues to work together, share resources, and engage in meaningful discussions. These tools contribute. 5-The PowerPoint tool is for presentations, it contributes to preparing the student's personality while he is sitting and preparing for the lesson, in control of everything that will be placed in it from the scientific material and skills, in addition to the teacher's support. This tool achieves the desired learning goals because it contains various options, such as writing, audio, and video. The student presents his lesson in a way that achieves the desired skills, such as summarizing, for example. The student puts a video and this video must be summarized using a hyperlink between the PowerPoint and the form often the English language projects are preparing a lesson by the students using PowerPoint and then it is presented to the students on the team's platform in broadcast classes, and in the classroom in direct attendance classes. The PowerPoint tool enhances the student's many skills, during lesson preparation After its explanation when the student prepares a lesson using a PowerPoint, he tries to characterize his lesson with colors, formats, and movements that fit with the age group as well as with the topic of the lesson. It enhances her personal development, as well as helps the student's self-confidence, and when the student explains and represents the role of the little teacher, this makes her employ the skill of critical thinking

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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