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نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

LeBron James gives Caitlin Clark advice, says Fever star's emergence is powering WNBA's rise in popularity.The WNBA is arguably the most popular it's ever been due to the abundance of talent that has entered the league recently.Like many others, Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James believes the increased interest in the WNBA results from Caitlin Clark making her professional debut.The one thing that I love that she is bringing to her sport: more people want to watch, more people want to tune in." James told co-host JJ Redick on the "Mind the Game" podcast."Don't get it twisted, don't get it f---ed up: Caitlin Clark is the reason why a lot of great things are going to happen for the WNBA."Clark was selected with the No. 1 pick by the Indiana Fever in last month's WNBA Draft.In those four contests, Clark has averaged 17.0 points and 5.5 assists while shooting 34.3% from 3-point range.

النص الأصلي

LeBron James gives Caitlin Clark advice, says Fever star's emergence is powering WNBA's rise in popularity.The WNBA is arguably the most popular it's ever been due to the abundance of talent that has entered the league recently. Like many others, Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James believes the increased interest in the WNBA results from Caitlin Clark making her professional debut.The one thing that I love that she is bringing to her sport: more people want to watch, more people want to tune in." James told co-host JJ Redick on the "Mind the Game" podcast. "Don't get it twisted, don't get it f---ed up: Caitlin Clark is the reason why a lot of great things are going to happen for the WNBA."Clark was selected with the No. 1 pick by the Indiana Fever in last month's WNBA Draft. She's been one of the most popular players in the sport following her standout career at Iowa.

James obviously knows quite a bit about having that kind of fanfare and pressure placed on an athlete at a young age. The Lakers star offered some advice for Clark as she begins her professional career.My advice to Caitlin, and my advice to anyone that comes in with this level of notoriety, out-of-this-world expectation, whatever the case may be: Be a horse, man. The Kentucky Derby," James said. "Put your blinders on, go to work, show up to work, punch your clock in, prepare yourself, work on your game, work on your craft.Kind of keep your mouth shut and just learn from the vets. When they ask, voice your opinion if they want your opinion early because everybody is looking for you to say anything and they're gonna splice it and cut it and make it a negative thing."It's certainly been a learning curve for Clark as the Fever have gotten off to an 0-4 start this season. In those four contests, Clark has averaged 17.0 points and 5.5 assists while shooting 34.3% from 3-point range.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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