
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (37%)

The ?comic begins by giving us a shot of a rainy, bleak Gotham.Then Bruce jumps into the river and sees a body floating, which makes Peacekeeper 1 believe that it is Bruce and shoots until he is sure that he is dead, and then Bruce is able to get out of the river, and this explains to us why people thought that Bruce was dead, and then the comic takes us back to The present where Bruce has just defeated the cyber that was attacking the teens and then he changed into the bat suit and took some of the cyber parts with him, then we see Bruce returning to his new place which is a crappy apartment and it is the only house in Gotham that still uses a physical key to open the door, and He rents a room from a crazy old man and this man calls Bruce Jeff because of course Bruce will not tell him his real name.He was knocking on the door for a surgeon to stitch up his wound, and when the surgeon agreed and began to stitch up his wound, the next day we see Peacekeeper 1, the one who shot Bruce, issue an announcement to the media and tell the population that when Gotham City with (the magistrate) made a promise, and here he stands before them as a man fulfilling a promise and tells them that this morning, Batman killed Gotham's most cruel rebel, while his death is a victory for justice and Gotham, and other people were eliminated as well, and the Peacekeeper 1 announced his death.Later we see some teenagers stealing the barrels and the cyber follows the teenagers and tries to catch them, but of course Batman is watching all this and swoops in to eliminate them and save the teenagers, then we get flashbacks of the past, we see Peacekeeper 1 chasing Bruce after the guard shot him.The corks contain blueprints and newspaper clippings, after which Bruce wears a Batman suit and heads towards Plexi Tech, which is one of the newest companies in Gotham.Currently, at the magistrate's headquarters, Batman saw that Hannah had not She listens to him, but tries to get the evidence.When Bruce arrives at the specified location, he grabs nano-drones and takes them to explain them.

النص الأصلي

The ‏comic begins by giving us a shot of a rainy, bleak Gotham. We then see Bruce staring at Gotham Cemetery through the fence. Then the comic takes us to this moment. We then see one of the peacekeepers, who are basically part of the Magistrate, a special security force that patrols Gotham City with orders to fire... They shoot anyone wearing a mask and Bruce Wayne is their first target because they know he is Batman. Then the comic brings us to the present time and then we see Bruce going to a restaurant and he only has a small cost to buy a cup of coffee, which means that he has lost all his money. The comic takes us back to that. The time is immediately after Bruce was hit by a bullet from the peacekeepers. He was knocking on the door for a surgeon to stitch up his wound, and when the surgeon agreed and began to stitch up his wound, the next day we see Peacekeeper 1, the one who shot Bruce, issue an announcement to the media and tell the population that when Gotham City with (the magistrate) made a promise, and here he stands before them as a man fulfilling a promise and tells them that this morning, Batman killed Gotham's most cruel rebel, while his death is a victory for justice and Gotham, and other people were eliminated as well, and the Peacekeeper 1 announced his death. Officially, but Bruce did not actually die, but people thought so after this matter was announced. At the present time, he heard a man in the alley being detained, so he goes to help him because he still considers himself Batman, and he begins to fight with the people who tried to hit this man, then a drone appears, and then it begins. He ran away and tore off his clothes to see Batman's costume and wearing his mask. While he was escaping, he was subjected to bullets and blows and fell and leaned against the wall, injured. Later we see some teenagers stealing the barrels and the cyber follows the teenagers and tries to catch them, but of course Batman is watching all this and swoops in to eliminate them and save the teenagers, then we get flashbacks of the past, we see Peacekeeper 1 chasing Bruce after the guard shot him. Then Bruce jumps into the river and sees a body floating, which makes Peacekeeper 1 believe that it is Bruce and shoots until he is sure that he is dead, and then Bruce is able to get out of the river, and this explains to us why people thought that Bruce was dead, and then the comic takes us back to The present where Bruce has just defeated the cyber that was attacking the teens and then he changed into the bat suit and took some of the cyber parts with him, then we see Bruce returning to his new place which is a crappy apartment and it is the only house in Gotham that still uses a physical key to open the door, and He rents a room from a crazy old man and this man calls Bruce Jeff because of course Bruce will not tell him his real name. We also learn that the old man has a son named Hannah who takes care of him. Bruce makes his way to his room and takes out the cyber parts from his bag and we also see a painting of... The corks contain blueprints and newspaper clippings, after which Bruce wears a Batman suit and heads towards Plexi Tech, which is one of the newest companies in Gotham. When Bruce arrives at the specified location, he grabs nano-drones and takes them to explain them. Later, we see Bruce looking at the horizon. Gotham City about hidden micro-surveillance and nano-drones and hacking them. Later, Hannah left the house and Bruce decided to monitor her from the top of the building using glasses that had infrared specifications that he had made, and then he rode his bike to continue following her to the Magistrate’s headquarters. He finds out that she works for the magistrate, then he heads to his house and realizes that they know his location. After a while, we see Hannah working as a programmer in a meeting with Peacekeeper 1 and several employees. Peacekeeper 1 said that they have faced many problems with the nano-drones and requested reports about them. The missing and damaged nano-drones and continues to say that they have 30 minutes to prepare a report, and he tells Hannah that he needs this report at the end of the day. Then her father calls to tell her that Bruce is planning something on the roof. Then the comic shows us Bruce trying to disrupt a real signal made of six... The nano drones with some additional items are in the place of the old man's space unit, then he returns to his room to work, and at this point Hannah returns and asks about her father, then Bruce shoots her in the neck with a tranquilizer, then puts her and her father in a truck and takes them away from the house, then she returns. The Nanobrons went to search for Bruce, but this time they blew up the house. After Bruce took Hannah and her father to a safe house, Hannah woke up and Bruce asked questions and also told her his real name, which is Bruce Wayne, and that the Magistrate was following him. Then Hannah told him that she was working as a programmer. But in reality, she was spying on them, and then Bruce asked her to stay here for the time being. We learned that Bruce had integrated identity cloaking technology into his suit, which allows him to break into the judge’s headquarters. Currently, at the magistrate’s headquarters, Batman saw that Hannah had not She listens to him, but tries to get the evidence. Then Batman tells her that she only has five minutes to get out. Then we see Bruce start fighting with Peacekeeper 1 and Hannah is forced to swallow a USB drive. Batman and Peacekeeper 1 continue fighting and the countdown reaches 0. We see the entire building explode, apparently killing Hannah, Peacekeeper 1, and Batman

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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