
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

oHigh quality and healthy Mediterranean food
oGood music, they offer a different selection of music for different people.oCasbah provides healthy and high quality food which is affordable
oCasbah markets their business as an alternative to fats food restaurants because busy families are starting to be aware of the different diseases that result from eating junk food.Sabi Attyah
Email: [email protected], Phone : 6086951426
Loading...Sabi Attyah
Email: [email protected], Phone : 6086951426


oSales :
Increase sales by 15% in 2008
Increase profit by 6-8 % for 2008
oConsumer objectives:
oTo keep business going with customers.Sabi Attyah
Email: [email protected], Phone : 6086951426


oFinancial gain and staying in business.oThreats:
oA lot of restaurants that compete with the Casbah restaurant are located in the down town area so they are always in high competition.oTo improve restaurants reputation so it will be known between consumers therefore, they will spread a good word if they are happy
oTo target customers in the Illinois state area in Chicago.oOffer a variety of food for students and older generations
oThey employ a good number of college students.

النص الأصلي

•High quality and healthy Mediterranean food
•Good music, they offer a different selection of music for different people.
•Offer a variety of food for students and older generations
•They employ a good number of college students.

•The Madison Area has many restaurants and it so easy for people to build a business and open restaurants in general.
•When the economy slows down the first thing people cut on is dining out.
•In the winter season most of the people stay at home.

Sabi Attyah
Email: [email protected], Phone : 6086951426


•Financial gain and staying in business.
•Casbah provides healthy and high quality food which is affordable
•Casbah markets their business as an alternative to fats food restaurants because busy families are starting to be aware of the different diseases that result from eating junk food.
•The capitol downtown area is well know with many events and shows all year long this gives them a chance to get into businesses that provides food.
Sabi Attyah
Email: [email protected], Phone : 6086951426

•A lot of restaurants that compete with the Casbah restaurant are located in the down town area so they are always in high competition.
•Casbah works hard on continuity this means the same service the customers get today, they have to get tomorrow (the same quality and quantity of food).
•They have to stay update with the different events that are near the capitol or else they run out of business.
•Law suits from food poisoning it cost a lot of money and also ruins reputation and customers never forget .
•Lack of employees during the holiday seasons because most employees are students, during holidays they all go back to their families for a vacation.
•Winter seasons when its below zero centigrade .
Sabi Attyah
Email: [email protected], Phone : 6086951426


•Sales :
Increase sales by 15% in 2008
Increase profit by 6-8 % for 2008
•Consumer objectives:
•To keep business going with customers.
•To meet their demands by keeping the same quality of food and the same service.
•To improve restaurants reputation so it will be known between consumers therefore, they will spread a good word if they are happy
•To target customers in the Illinois state area in Chicago.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

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