
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (10%)

After five minutes, Sarah opened her eyes and sat up. 'You must come back to my house,' said Alan.Officer Bentley jumped into his car and Screeeech!'You didn't tell us about that hunter-why?The last pelican flew over the Jumanji board, then came back.The hunter answered by breaking the police car's lights and windows.Then the hunter ran after Alan.Peter, Judy and Sarah went back into the front room.There were vines with yellow or blue flowers all round the room.K-BOOM!

النص الأصلي

After five minutes, Sarah opened her eyes and sat up. 'You must come back to my house,' said Alan. 'We must show you something. Please, Sarah, it's important."

It took ten more minutes before she said, 'OK, OK!' Back in the living room at the Parrish house, they showed Sarah the game. 'Don't bring that thing near me!' she said. 'Listen,' said Alan. "Twenty-six years ago we started some- thing, and now we must all finish it.' He took her hand and put the dice into it. 'I-I can't!' she said. 'OK,' said Alan. He put out his hand. 'Give me the dice.' Sarah gave him the dice- but he moved his hand quickly and they fell on to the board! Alan smiled. 'Sorry,' he said. 'No, you're not!' said Sarah. "You wanted-' Brummm-tum-tum. Brummm-tum-tum.

Sarah's token moved, and the words came. Its pretty flower is yellow or blue. But be very careful - it can eat you! Peter looked round the room. (Vines pushed out from behind st ju pictures, between chairs, through little holes in the floor, They had flowers yellow and blue. Suddenly, one went round 1 Peter's leg and began to pull him across the room. 'Help!' he shouted. A big yellow flower opened its 'mouth', ready to eat Peter. Alan got Peter's other leg, and Sarah and Judy took one of his arms. They pulled and pulled but the vine was too strong for them. Alan looked round for something to help them, and he saw a big knife above the fire-place. He took it down. CRASH! Down came the knife- and cut the vine into two! Everybody fell back on to the floor, but Peter got his leg away from the vine. Then they all ran into the next room and shut the door behind them. Sarah wanted to go home. 'The game's not finished,' said Alan. Judy gave him the dice and he dropped them on to the board. More words. This man from the jungle has a gun. Go now! Quickly! Run! Alan's face went white. 'Van Pelt,' he said. "Who?' said Judy. "The hunter, Van Pelt,' said Alan. 'He-' K-BOOM! CRASH! First the sound of the gun then the noise of the door breaking. 'Get down!' screamed Alan, and fell to the floor. There was a tall man with white hair and a jungle hat and jacket by the broken door. He had a big gun in his hand. Peter heard a sound and turned round. He saw Alan near the front door of the house. K-BOOM! went the gun again. But Alan got away, and Peter began to run after him.

He ran outside and saw Alan in the street now. A police car stopped outside the house, but Alan ran past it. Officer Bentley jumped out of his car. 'You! Stop!' he shouted. K-BOOM! Van Pelt's gun went off behind him, and some of the tree above Alan's head crashed down near him. Officer Bentley turned and shouted at Van Pelt, 'Drop that gun! Put your hands up!" K-BOOM! K-BOOM! K-BOOM! The hunter answered by breaking the police car's lights and windows. Officer Bentley jumped into his car and Screeeech! - drove away as fast as he - could. Then the hunter ran after Alan. Peter, Judy and Sarah went back into the front room. There were vines with yellow or blue flowers all round the room. 'How can we finish the game now?' said Peter. 'I don't know-' began Judy. 'Who goes next?' said somebody. Peter and the girls turned and saw Alan climbing in through the window. Alan smiled at Sarah. Judy laughed. 'I go next,' she said. Sarah looked angrily at Alan. 'You didn't tell us about that hunter-why? He's trying to kill us!' she said. 'Kill me,' said Alan. 'He's trying to kill me. He doesn't like me. Why? I don't know.' 'Come on,' Peter said to his sister. "Throw the dice.' Judy threw them, and her token moved. More words came into the glass eye: Look out! It's not the rain that's coming. It's animals- and they're running! CRASH! The four of them turned around- and a big rhinoceros crashed into the room! 'Quick!' shouted Alan. They all jumped behind a chair and watched: twenty or more rhinoceroses ran through the living room! Then CRASH! again

and the animals ran out of the house and across the garden. Next came elephants - and then zebras! But a minute later, everything was quiet. "They're going," said Judy. 'But look, everything is broken!" She was right. Tables, chairs, lights everything. Suddenly, six big white pelicans flew through the room. The last pelican flew over the Jumanji board, then came back. 'No!' said Alan. But he was too late. The bird had the board-game in its mouth. 'Peter!' shouted Alan. 'Stop him!" Peter looked at the big bird - and put his hands over his head. The bird flew over him and out of the house.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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