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(44) Is Social Media Good or Bad ?Adrija Biswas - YouTube

(00:00) hello everyone I'm adrija welcome back today I'm back with a quite interesting topic for you all this is a question that a lot of people actually ask a lot of people have confusion about that is social media is it a boon or a bane for our society well the meaning of Boon or Bane it means the pros and cons the advantage is disadvantages so is social media a boon or a bean a very debatable question so let us discuss this today well talking about social media I don't think there is anyone present who does not know about social media well what are these social media apps
(00:50) um Facebook Instagram Twitter Youtube WhatsApp Snapchat and many more so well now let's talk about the pros and cons look the pros and cons do not depend upon social media it depends upon the people using them people using the social media apps apps some people get so much indulged in these apps that they forget about other important works it actually is a wastage of time but a lot of people actually benefit from all of these apps some people grow their business some people share information some people become famous and turn into influencers right
(01:37) so it actually depends upon the people using these apps if we utilize it in the right way then it's actually a good thing for us now let us discuss all the advantages and disadvantages one by one first the advantages well I would be short of words to talk about advantages I mean think about the system it is I I think for me it is the most unique system ever existing um you were sitting in India and you can video call a friend from America and talk to her at the same time so isn't it so fascinating um go a few decades back and ask a person there
(02:23) she will think it is Magic because it would not have been possible then so actually social media is Magic it is Magic turned into reality so well there are a lot of advantages number one the most important one that is we can gain information like look if we talk about us students then social media is actually very beneficial for us we do not always go to school right we do not always have our teachers at our doorstep so with the help of this social media apps we can actually get any sort of information have any doubts on a certain topic go to YouTube search it you will
(03:07) get thousands of videos on that topic thousands of teachers teaching you on that topic so this is the magic of social media it is actually a blessing for us students basically during the pandemic I know how much important these social media apps were for us if these apps wouldn't have been there then our studies would have stopped completely so yes social media is very informative you can get information about literally any topic on Earth on social media so the next one is entertainment
(03:44) I mean who doesn't use social media for entertainment it is the most entertaining thing ever existing right I have heard from my parents that to probably listen to a song they had to do so many things probably by a cassette by a city or it would have been played on the TV I guess once a week so that you would have to wait just to listen to that song once a week so right now with the help of all of these apps we can actually listen to any songs that we want so is the magic of social media you can do whatever you want you can watch you can listen to whatever you want
(04:29) number three showing your creativity previously there weren't much Scopes to show your creativity but right now if you have any hidden talent it would no longer remain hidden anymore I mean there are so many of these apps YouTube Right create a video on your talent and post it on YouTube lots of people will appreciate it so this is the power of social media nowadays talents do not remain hidden you can actually show your creativity to the entire Earth through this social media apps
(05:06) number four last but not the list that is connectivity I mean we can talk literally to anyone right now through social media apps we can video call a friend and to talk to them right now the social media is in such another level that you can connect with a teacher from another part of the world and study right there right we don't need to go to tuitions just in our area you can actually study from any tutor from all parts of the world you don't even need to go abroad for studies you will get teachers from abroad teaching you so this is the power of social media and also
(05:51) you can make new friends all these apps Facebook Twitter Instagram we make new friends we talk to them so connectivity has increased a lot so with the help of social media we stay entertained we can show our creativity and we stay connected with our friends so this was the brighter side of social media now let us take a look at the darker side the disadvantages everything that has its advantages also has its disadvantages this is the rule of life so what are the disadvantages of social media number one it's fake news how many times have you come across fake news a lot
(06:36) of times right sometimes news come on WhatsApp like this has happened but it has actually never happened so that is really wrong so let me tell you why does this happen social media can be used by all the people right and some people use it in the wrong way in the illegal way so that is where these fake news spread so the only way to avoid it is by verifying whatever you see so whatever you see on the social media verify it from a reliable source that is only how we can avoid fake news
(07:16) number two is cyber crimes internet is huge so a lot of illegal malpractices take place harassing bullying cases of threats and a lot of other things so we need to avoid it so for that do not ever click on any links given to anything first verify it the only thing you can do is verification never click on any links never visit any illegal sites so don't do these things always stay alert because internet is actually huge you will get a lot of good things you will get a lot of wrong things as well so make sure you stay alert number three Health well away no we
(08:02) already know how much Mobile screen affects our eyes spending time in front of us mobile screens can actually cause a lot of eye problems our eyes get weak and that is that actually affects our health and another thing can happen that is we become obese obesity can also occur due to lack of movement earlier due to know that entertainment methods people used to play right but nowadays what happens we don't go outside and play we just sit with our mobiles and start scrolling so that
(08:38) is actually that causes no movement right we just sit and sit and sit and that can cause obesity so social media actually affects our health and what you can do to avoid this do not spend so much time on social media it is actually good but just use it for the good purpose do not spend your most important time just scrolling through your phone screens okay the fourth one is that I say it already that is wastage of time our time gets wasted I guess we all know that but still we spent time on social media we spent time in front of our phone skins basically for us students this is this
(09:22) most important time I've already talked about this in one of my previous videos where I discussed time management so social media actually does not let us manage our time it wastes a lot of time so for this we need to make sure that we do not get distracted by all this app we should actually aim for the main purpose we should not get distracted during the most important part of our life so these are the advantages and disadvantages of social media case this we get to know that it is not actually the fault of social media right it is about the
(10:05) people who are using this so or what can we do let us use social media for the good purpose why was it created to help us social media was created to help us let us use it for that purpose only let us not go and do any malpractices let us not let it waste our time it depends upon you whether social media is a boon or a bin let us make the best out of it so this is actually what I wanted to discuss today I guess it is a very important topic for us all I hope this video was helpful to you if
(10:44) you have any suggestions then please make sure to write it down in the comment box below if you like this video then please please click on the like button and if you haven't subscribed my channel yet click on the Subscribe button that's it for today meet you in the next video thank you byeAdvantages and Disadvantages of Social media ||

النص الأصلي

(44) Is Social Media Good or Bad ? | Advantages and Disadvantages of Social media | Adrija Biswas - YouTube

(00:00) hello everyone I'm adrija welcome back today I'm  back with a quite interesting topic for you all   this is a question that a lot of people actually  ask a lot of people have confusion about that   is social media is it a boon or a bane for our  society well the meaning of Boon or Bane it means   the pros and cons the advantage is disadvantages  so is social media a boon or a bean a very   debatable question so let us discuss this today  well talking about social media I don't think   there is anyone present who does not know about  social media well what are these social media apps  
(00:50) um Facebook Instagram Twitter Youtube WhatsApp  Snapchat and many more so well now let's talk   about the pros and cons look the pros and cons  do not depend upon social media it depends upon   the people using them people using the social  media apps apps some people get so much indulged   in these apps that they forget about other  important works it actually is a wastage of time   but a lot of people actually benefit from all  of these apps some people grow their business   some people share information some people  become famous and turn into influencers right  
(01:37) so it actually depends upon the people using these  apps if we utilize it in the right way then it's   actually a good thing for us now let us discuss  all the advantages and disadvantages one by one   first the advantages well I would be short  of words to talk about advantages I mean   think about the system it is I I think for  me it is the most unique system ever existing   um you were sitting in India and you can video  call a friend from America and talk to her at   the same time so isn't it so fascinating um  go a few decades back and ask a person there  
(02:23) she will think it is Magic because it would not  have been possible then so actually social media   is Magic it is Magic turned into reality so well  there are a lot of advantages number one the most   important one that is we can gain information  like look if we talk about us students then   social media is actually very beneficial for us we  do not always go to school right we do not always   have our teachers at our doorstep so with the  help of this social media apps we can actually   get any sort of information have any doubts on  a certain topic go to YouTube search it you will  
(03:07) get thousands of videos on that topic thousands of  teachers teaching you on that topic so this is the   magic of social media it is actually a blessing  for us students basically during the pandemic I   know how much important these social media apps  were for us if these apps wouldn't have been there   then our studies would have stopped completely so  yes social media is very informative you can get   information about literally any topic on Earth  on social media so the next one is entertainment  
(03:44) I mean who doesn't use social media for  entertainment it is the most entertaining thing   ever existing right I have heard from my parents  that to probably listen to a song they had to do   so many things probably by a cassette by a city  or it would have been played on the TV I guess   once a week so that you would have to wait just  to listen to that song once a week so right now   with the help of all of these apps we can actually  listen to any songs that we want so is the magic   of social media you can do whatever you want you  can watch you can listen to whatever you want  
(04:29) number three showing your creativity previously  there weren't much Scopes to show your creativity   but right now if you have any hidden talent it  would no longer remain hidden anymore I mean there   are so many of these apps YouTube Right create a  video on your talent and post it on YouTube lots   of people will appreciate it so this is the power  of social media nowadays talents do not remain   hidden you can actually show your creativity to  the entire Earth through this social media apps  
(05:06) number four last but not the list that is  connectivity I mean we can talk literally   to anyone right now through social media apps we  can video call a friend and to talk to them right   now the social media is in such another level that  you can connect with a teacher from another part   of the world and study right there right we don't  need to go to tuitions just in our area you can   actually study from any tutor from all parts of  the world you don't even need to go abroad for   studies you will get teachers from abroad teaching  you so this is the power of social media and also  
(05:51) you can make new friends all these apps Facebook  Twitter Instagram we make new friends we talk to   them so connectivity has increased a lot so with  the help of social media we stay entertained we   can show our creativity and we stay connected  with our friends so this was the brighter side   of social media now let us take a look at the  darker side the disadvantages everything that   has its advantages also has its disadvantages this  is the rule of life so what are the disadvantages   of social media number one it's fake news how  many times have you come across fake news a lot  
(06:36) of times right sometimes news come on WhatsApp  like this has happened but it has actually never   happened so that is really wrong so let me tell  you why does this happen social media can be used   by all the people right and some people use it in  the wrong way in the illegal way so that is where   these fake news spread so the only way to avoid it  is by verifying whatever you see so whatever you   see on the social media verify it from a reliable  source that is only how we can avoid fake news  
(07:16) number two is cyber crimes internet is huge so a  lot of illegal malpractices take place harassing   bullying cases of threats and a lot of other  things so we need to avoid it so for that do   not ever click on any links given to anything  first verify it the only thing you can do is   verification never click on any links never visit  any illegal sites so don't do these things always   stay alert because internet is actually huge  you will get a lot of good things you will get   a lot of wrong things as well so make sure you  stay alert number three Health well away no we  
(08:02) already know how much Mobile screen affects our  eyes spending time in front of us mobile screens   can actually cause a lot of eye problems our  eyes get weak and that is that actually affects   our health and another thing can happen that is we  become obese obesity can also occur due to lack of   movement earlier due to know that entertainment  methods people used to play right but nowadays   what happens we don't go outside and play we just  sit with our mobiles and start scrolling so that  
(08:38) is actually that causes no movement right we just  sit and sit and sit and that can cause obesity   so social media actually affects our health and  what you can do to avoid this do not spend so   much time on social media it is actually good but  just use it for the good purpose do not spend your   most important time just scrolling through your  phone screens okay the fourth one is that I say   it already that is wastage of time our time gets  wasted I guess we all know that but still we spent   time on social media we spent time in front of our  phone skins basically for us students this is this  
(09:22) most important time I've already talked about this  in one of my previous videos where I discussed   time management so social media actually does not  let us manage our time it wastes a lot of time so   for this we need to make sure that we do not get  distracted by all this app we should actually aim   for the main purpose we should not get distracted  during the most important part of our life   so these are the advantages and  disadvantages of social media   case this we get to know that it is not actually  the fault of social media right it is about the  
(10:05) people who are using this so or what can we do let  us use social media for the good purpose why was   it created to help us social media was created to  help us let us use it for that purpose only let us   not go and do any malpractices let us not let it  waste our time it depends upon you whether social   media is a boon or a bin let us make the best out  of it so this is actually what I wanted to discuss   today I guess it is a very important topic for  us all I hope this video was helpful to you if  
(10:44) you have any suggestions then please make sure to  write it down in the comment box below if you like   this video then please please click on the like  button and if you haven't subscribed my channel   yet click on the Subscribe button that's it for  today meet you in the next video thank you bye

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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