
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

1.Analysis of the quantity of daylight glare, it is better to use the CSWD(C) or Meteonome files in normal climate conditions and the Chinese average year weather file when considering extreme weather conditions [21].The importance of building envelope design is increasing, and in this situation, the usage of passive and climate-adaptive building shells (CABS) is being looked into as a potential for energy savings and improved thermal and visual comfort for users.It's possible that the traditional physical and photometric criteria used in glare indices and formulas are insufficient to accurately define and forecast the frequency and intensity of uncomfortable glare from both natural and artificial lights [22].The sunshine occurrence analysis also determined similar results using three weather statistical approach data files daylight autonomy (DA), useful daylight illuminance (UDI) and maximum difference was 5% independently of orientation [7].area massif glass facade in workspace has the highest level of illuminance, the vertical and horizontal strip facade models are more illuminated than the hyperbolic parabolic facade models.These reducing envelope technologies enable meeting the need to enhance indoor environmental quality and to simplify the building scale utilization of renewable energy sources.The findings demonstrate that systems that undergo continuous mechanical changes as a result of temperature changes offer a higher level of adaptation, energy efficiency, and thermal and visual comfort in the spaceg [19].In terms of lighting, it can reduce energy consumption when utilizing daylight, but still consider the negative effects it causes, including glare, high brightness and illuminance value ratio.This is a relevant topic since the accurate prediction of daylight levels for indoor environments guides daylighting design [8].This system and algorithm assess the efficiency of a smart facade, which is made up of a number of kinetic grids that respond to artificial light and take occupant preferences into account [17].Introduction
Utilization of sunlight as a source of daylight is one way to minimize the consumption of electrical energy in buildings.In this study analyzed five different forms of building facades, namely the massive glass, sun shading vertical, horizontal, diagonal and vertical diagonal models.The aesthetic qualities are influenced by both the lighting system and the kind of sky, and the strong interaction effect suggests that the aesthetic perception of the daylighting system is dependent on the sky type.Annual calculated dynamic daylight metric indicates variations of up to 13% under the different weather files analysis.The Standard General Skies of the World Organization for Standardization (ISO) and Commission International de l'Eclairage (CIE) are a set of standard skies that can mathematically represent the distribution of brightness in a sky [2].Standards and regulations are the first considerations and subsequently focus on the development and scope of climate-based daylight modeling [3].According to subsequent statistical data, the natural lighting system that performs best under both clear and cloudy sky situations is made up of high-reflective blinds [4].Under various housing conditions, the positions before opening are the most important influential factor on overall energy consumption.In addition to design solutions aimed at enhancing occupant comfort, controlling physical environmental variables like heat, light, and sound should be taken into account during the design process [9].1.

النص الأصلي

  1. Introduction
    Utilization of sunlight as a source of daylight is one way to minimize the consumption of electrical energy in buildings. Climate change also has an impact, because solar radiation causes excessive heat and light. This results in increased energy requirements as a cooling load as well. In terms of lighting, it can reduce energy consumption when utilizing daylight, but still consider the negative effects it causes, including glare, high brightness and illuminance value ratio. The percentage of utilization of daylighting can be different, if the architectural design of the building facade is also different. This is the basis for knowing the level of lighting in space by designing a building facade model and can be a reference in designing energy-efficient based buildings. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the shape of the building facade on the distribution of daylight that can enter the building. In this study analyzed five different forms of building facades, namely the massive glass, sun shading vertical, horizontal, diagonal and vertical diagonal models. This facade design is to find out the facade model that can distribute daylight into the building, so as to minimize energy use.
    The daylight factor during the day is the ratio of the level of lighting at a point in the room to the level of illuminance at open field, this is a measure of the performance of the opening window on building. The standard recommendation for illuminance levels in office workspaces is 350 lux [1]. The requirements for natural lighting codes and guidelines, do so from two different points of view. The Standard General Skies of the World Organization for Standardization (ISO) and Commission International de l'Eclairage (CIE) are a set of standard skies that can mathematically represent the distribution of brightness in a sky [2]. Standards and regulations are the first considerations and subsequently focus on the development and scope of climate-based daylight modeling [3].
    The aesthetic qualities are influenced by both the lighting system and the kind of sky, and the strong interaction effect suggests that the aesthetic perception of the daylighting system is dependent on the sky type. According to subsequent statistical data, the natural lighting system that performs best under both clear and cloudy sky situations is made up of high-reflective blinds [4]. The façade opening design has a significant impact on how well a building performs in terms of daylighting, solar heat gain, and natural ventilation. Under various housing conditions, the positions before opening are the most important influential factor on overall energy consumption. Meanwhile, natural ventilation and daylighting are significantly impacted by the east and west sheltering walls [5].
    The results of past research show that in both climates, adaptability leads to higher energy savings, consistent with the current very low energy building definition [6]. The sunshine occurrence analysis also determined similar results using three weather statistical approach data files daylight autonomy (DA), useful daylight illuminance (UDI) and maximum difference was 5% independently of orientation [7]. Annual calculated dynamic daylight metric indicates variations of up to 13% under the different weather files analysis. This is a relevant topic since the accurate prediction of daylight levels for indoor environments guides daylighting design [8].
    In addition to design solutions aimed at enhancing occupant comfort, controlling physical environmental variables like heat, light, and sound should be taken into account during the design process [9]. Previous research has shown that different facades and building facade styles affect the distribution of daylight. While the
    Fig. 1. Workspace in the Bank Mega Building in Makassar Indonesia. area massif glass façade in workspace has the highest level of illuminance, the vertical and horizontal strip facade models are more illuminated than the hyperbolic parabolic facade models. [
    10] Subsequent studies on the performance of buildings with different physical configurations and facades [11,12].
    According to previous research, the building facade model affects the distribution of daylight into the room [13-15] Likewise, the orientation of the building also affects the distribution of daylight into the room [16]. This system and algorithm assess the efficiency of a smart facade, which is made up of a number of kinetic grids that respond to artificial light and take occupant preferences into account [17]. These reducing envelope technologies enable meeting the need to enhance indoor environmental quality and to simplify the building scale utilization of renewable energy sources. Because they can respond to external stimuli and change their behavior and functioning as a result, adaptive building envelopes can actually be seen as the next major advancement in façade technology [18].
    The importance of building envelope design is increasing, and in this situation, the usage of passive and climate-adaptive building shells (CABS) is being looked into as a potential for energy savings and improved thermal and visual comfort for users. The findings demonstrate that systems that undergo continuous mechanical changes as a result of temperature changes offer a higher level of adaptation, energy efficiency, and thermal and visual comfort in the spaceg [19]. The model-based control (MBC) method was created and is being used for lighting and shading activities. The intention is to reduce lighting energy use and prevent glare. At an early point of the design process, the offered approaches and tools can assist the designer in examining the effects of various louver designs and operational options. Comparing the potential effects of various dynamic louver movement situations on the interior lighting is another option. This can make it easier for designers to assess and contrast different dynamic systems, which can lead to more cost-effective designs [20].
    Distribution of daylight will cause glare, if the illuminance value is very high. The building facade is one of the forms that prevent glare on the building. Analysis of the quantity of daylight glare, it is better to use the CSWD(C) or Meteonome files in normal climate conditions and the Chinese average year weather file when considering extreme weather conditions [21]. It's possible that the traditional physical and photometric criteria used in glare indices and formulas are insufficient to accurately define and forecast the frequency and intensity of uncomfortable glare from both natural and artificial lights [22]. Several previous researchers have discussed glare in buildings [23-27]. Façade and shading systems have evolved into major building features that play an important role in passive design strategies [28]. Louvre is a common type of …

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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