خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة
& in their sensory profiles [50].The results that indicated that the EF of emotional control and initiation as well as the emotional reactions to unsuccessful organization in time were significant predictors of the psychological Qol of adults with LD beyond the contribution of group membership add further insights into this population.control was a significant predictor of the emotional reaction to Another unique and yet plausible finding is that executive emotional unsuccessful organization in time beyond the contribution of group membership.These findings strengthen the need to consider this population within a wide health perspective and not only in terms of their academic deficiencies for which they are usually diagnosed and -119- The findin performance controls is in time is consid is required besides the and so on. focusing on in various 2 In the than that lower Q demonstr and that manner environ Qol wi adults relatio influe pred initi per me the ar in 0However both the BRIEF-A and the TOPS which were used in this study examine the functional expressions and behavioral manifestations of EF. Therefore additional tests should be administered in order to neutralize the possibility that the examined emotional constructs measured in the two instruments used in this study.
in their sensory profiles [50].
control was a significant predictor of the emotional reaction to
Another unique and yet plausible finding is that executive emotional
unsuccessful organization in time beyond the contribution of group
membership. In a study by Barkley and Murphy in 2011, they argued that
EF self-report and other reported ratings are more strongly associated
than scores on EF tests with impairments in major life activities among
adults with ADHD [59]. However both the BRIEF-A and the TOPS
which were used in this study examine the functional expressions and
behavioral manifestations of EF. Therefore additional tests should be
administered in order to neutralize the possibility that the examined
emotional constructs measured in the two instruments used in this study.
were too similar, in order to further validate these results.
The results that indicated that the EF of emotional control and
initiation as well as the emotional reactions to unsuccessful organization
in time were significant predictors of the psychological Qol of adults
with LD beyond the contribution of group membership add further
insights into this population. Impaired EF has been reported in the past as
related to low levels of Qol (e.g. (37.38]). However this finding suggests
that the lower psychological QoL of adults with LD may be related not
only to their primary deficits in EF but also to secondary emotional
reactions to their difficulties in everyday task functions including time
organization. These may have a boomerang effect on the executive
functions abilities of the person with LD, for example by developing
depression, a condition that is commonly found in this population
[10.11]. This in tum may be expressed as occupational and social
impairments (e.g. [60]) as well as a lower QoL (e.g. [57]) as previously
described to exist among adults with depressive disorders.
In accordance with the ICF model concepts, the results of this study
demonstrate that adults with LD confront deficiencies in body functions
and that these deficiencies are expressed as limitations in their activity
and participation in a variety of life domains and not only in their
academic performance. These findings strengthen the need to consider
this population within a wide health perspective and not only in terms of
their academic deficiencies for which they are usually diagnosed and
The findin
controls is in
time is consid
is required
besides the
and so on.
focusing on
in various 2
In the
than that
lower Q
and that
Qol wi
تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص
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