
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)


Mr. and Mrs. Jon Dawn were tired of their old car, so Mr. Dawn drove it to a
building site in Wales where he worked and buried it with a mechanical
digger.Mr. Dawn worked on the site at Dinas Mawdwy, near Glamoragn, driving
bulldozers, but had been seen driving a mechanical digger on the site
although he had no authority to do so.

In a statement to the police, Mrs. Dawn said that her husband had telephoned
her from Wales and told her that he had got rid of the car so she reported it
stolen to police and madea claim.The couple appeared before South Shields magistrates yesterday, charged
with trying to obtain 800 from the National Insurance by deception.

النص الأصلي


Mr. and Mrs. Jon Dawn were tired of their old car, so Mr. Dawn drove it to a
building site in Wales where he worked and buried it with a mechanical
digger. His wife, Linda, then reported to the police that it had been stolen and
tried to get 800 from their insurance.

The couple appeared before South Shields magistrates yesterday, charged
with trying to obtain 800 from the National Insurance by deception.

Mrs. Dawn admitted the offence, but Mr. Dawn denied it. The case against
him was proved. Mr. Terry McGowan, Prosecuting, said that the couple
bought their seven-year-old Volswagen in 1996 on loan. On February 17,
Mrs. Dawn reported to Sunderland police that the car was stolen. It was
worth &800 and she claimed to the insurance company

Mr. McGowan said: "The car was later found in the middle of Wales. It was

a big pile of machinery resembling the remains of a motor vehicle". The
number plates had been removed, but the engine and chassis numbers were
still there.

Mr. Dawn worked on the site at Dinas Mawdwy, near Glamoragn, driving
bulldozers, but had been seen driving a mechanical digger on the site
although he had no authority to do so.

In a statement to the police, Mrs. Dawn said that her husband had telephoned
her from Wales and told her that he had got rid of the car so she reported it
stolen to police and madea claim. Mr. and Mrs. Dawn were each fined200
and ordered to share court costs of f80.

Source: Geoffrey Land: What's In The News
(Total: 258 words)

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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