
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

What is a Chatbot?For example, if you've asked Amazon's Alexa, Apple Siri, or Microsoft's Cortana, "What's the weather?", it would respond according to the latest weather reports it has access to. The complexity of a chatbot is determined by the sophistication of its underlying software and the data it can access. Every enterprise has expanded IT infrastructure. From different fields, on-premise to cloud, companies with different supply providers, run on many different, internal and characterized-built applications, as well as ERP, encompass applications. There are other core applications like CRM and customer portals, which are the backbone of ERP. Currently, many e-commerce companies are looking at various ways to use chatbots to improve their customer experiences. Whether for shopping, booking tickets or simply for customer service. The next time you hear about a chatbot, especially in business and travel, remember to look beyond the fancy term. And ask about how it really adds value to your travel program. How are human languages processed by chatbots? A chatbot is like a normal application. There is an app layer, a database and APIs to call other external administrations. Users can easily access chatbots, it adds intricacy for the application to handle. However, there is a common problem that must be tackled. It can't comprehend the plan of the customer. At the moment, bots are trained according to the past information available to them. So, most organizations have a chatbot that maintains logs of discussions. Developers utilize these logs to analyze what clients are trying to ask. With a blend of machine learning tools and models, developers coordinate client inquiries and reply with the best appropriate answer. For example, if any customer is asking about payments and receipts, such as, "where is my product payment receipt?"By artificially replicating the patterns of human interactions in machine learning allows computers to learn by themselves without programming natural language processing.If the conversation introduces a concept it is not programmed to understand, it will either deflect the conversation or potentially pass the communication to a human operator.It provides responses based on a combination of predefined scripts and machine learning applications.Thus, the chatbot will gradually grow in scope and gain relevance.

النص الأصلي

What is a Chatbot?

In general terms, a bot is nothing but a software that will perform automatic tasks. In other terms, a bot is a computer program that is designed to communicate with human users through the internet. This article will focus on the class of bots that live on chat platforms and websites, i.e. chatbots.
The most natural definition of a chatbot is – a developed a program that can have a discussion/conversation with a human. For example, any user could ask the bot an inquiry or a statement, and the bot will respond or perform an activity as appropriate.
A chatbot interacts on a format similar to instant messaging. By artificially replicating the patterns of human interactions in machine learning allows computers to learn by themselves without programming natural language processing.
While a bot is a computer’s ability to understand human speech or text short for chat robot. A chatbot is merely a computer program that fundamentally simulates human conversations. It allows a form of interaction between a human and a machine the communication, which happens via messages or voice command.
A chatbot is programmed to work independently from a human operator. It can answer questions formulated to it in natural language and respond like a real person. It provides responses based on a combination of predefined scripts and machine learning applications.
When it is asked a question, the chatbot will respond based on the knowledge database available to it at that point in time. If the conversation introduces a concept it is not programmed to understand, it will either deflect the conversation or potentially pass the communication to a human operator. Either way, it will also learn from that interaction as well as from future interactions. Thus, the chatbot will gradually grow in scope and gain relevance.
For example, if you’ve asked Amazon’s Alexa, Apple Siri, or Microsoft’s Cortana, “What’s the weather?”, it would respond according to the latest weather reports it has access to. The complexity of a chatbot is determined by the sophistication of its underlying software and the data it can access.
Every enterprise has expanded IT infrastructure. From different fields, on-premise to cloud, companies with different supply providers, run on many different, internal and characterized-built applications, as well as ERP, encompass applications. There are other core applications like CRM and customer portals, which are the backbone of ERP.
Currently, many e-commerce companies are looking at various ways to use chatbots to improve their customer experiences. Whether for shopping, booking tickets or simply for customer service. The next time you hear about a chatbot, especially in business and travel, remember to look beyond the fancy term. And ask about how it really adds value to your travel program.

How are human languages processed by chatbots?

A chatbot is like a normal application. There is an app layer, a database and APIs to call other external administrations. Users can easily access chatbots, it adds intricacy for the application to handle.
However, there is a common problem that must be tackled. It can’t comprehend the plan of the customer. At the moment, bots are trained according to the past information available to them. So, most organizations have a chatbot that maintains logs of discussions. Developers utilize these logs to analyze what clients are trying to ask. With a blend of machine learning tools and models, developers coordinate client inquiries and reply with the best appropriate answer. For example, if any customer is asking about payments and receipts, such as, “where is my product payment receipt?” and “I haven’t received a payment receipt?”, both sentences are taken to have the same meaning.
If there is no comprehensive data available, then different APIs can be utilized to train the chatbot.

How are Chatbots Trained?

Training a chatbot occurs at a considerably faster and larger scale than human education. While normal customer service representatives are given a manual instruction which they must be thorough with, a customer support chatbot is nourished with a large number of conversation logs, and from those logs, the chatbot can understand what type of question needs, what kind of answers.

Architecture & Work Methods of Chatbots.

The Chatbots work based on three classification methods:
1.Pattern Matches: Bots utilize pattern matches to group the text and it produces an appropriate response from the clients. “Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML), is a standard

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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