
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (51%)

They had been secretly seeing each other for a while because they didn't want the evil witch to find out about their relationship.He staggered from tree to tree, tripping over rocks and stumbling over thorny bushes, calling out to his Rapunzel.The witch took the scissors and cut her long blonde hair, sentencing Rapunzel to a life of solitary life in a tower in the middle of a dense forest.But one morning after climbing into her room, Rapunzel told her that she was much heavier than the prince and that she could barely lift her up.
The witch was furious.He wandered from town to town, peeking into every village, but Rapunzel was nowhere to be seen.The prince wandered for several years until he reached a dense forest and sat down to rest under a tree and cried loudly.Rapunzel was the loneliest person in the world.He was frightened by how ugly she was and he fell into the thorny bushes and went blind.Blind and unhappy, he searched the world for his Rapunzel.Along the way, he ate berries and drank water from a stream.His misfortune was growing day by day because he was constantly thinking about the beautiful Rapunzel and her beautiful voice.The witch still came to the tower every morning and did not notice anything strange in Rapunzel's behavior.It was Rapunzel.

النص الأصلي

They had been secretly seeing each other for a while because they didn't want the evil witch to find out about their relationship. The witch still came to the tower every morning and did not notice anything strange in Rapunzel’s behavior. But one morning after climbing into her room, Rapunzel told her that she was much heavier than the prince and that she could barely lift her up.
The witch was furious. She told her she was an ungrateful brat as she was keeping her out of the world for her own good. The witch took the scissors and cut her long blonde hair, sentencing Rapunzel to a life of solitary life in a tower in the middle of a dense forest. Rapunzel was the loneliest person in the world.
But the witch did not take revenge only on Rapunzel. She decided to take revenge on the poor prince in love. She was waiting for him to appear in front of the tower and call Rapunzel. As soon as she heard his voice she tossed her cut hair, and he started to climb up to the room. When he was about to enter through the window, an evil witch stood before him. He was frightened by how ugly she was and he fell into the thorny bushes and went blind. So he too became a sad and unhappy prince. Blind and unhappy, he searched the world for his Rapunzel. He wandered from town to town, peeking into every village, but Rapunzel was nowhere to be seen. Along the way, he ate berries and drank water from a stream. His misfortune was growing day by day because he was constantly thinking about the beautiful Rapunzel and her beautiful voice.
The prince wandered for several years until he reached a dense forest and sat down to rest under a tree and cried loudly. He was already on the edge of his strength and thought it would be best to give up, but suddenly he heard a familiar voice. It was Rapunzel.
He gathered his strength and headed for that beautiful voice. He staggered from tree to tree, tripping over rocks and stumbling over thorny bushes, calling out to his Rapunzel.
He managed to stagger over to her, and when she saw him she ran into his arms. It was real love. Rapunzel cried, and suddenly her two tears fell into his eyes and a miracle happened. The prince could see again.
They headed to his castle where they eventually got married and had many children. They loved each other very much and enjoyed being together for the rest of their lives. And the witch? No one has heard or seen the witch since.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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