
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

An emphasis on new knowledge and behaviours
(competencies) enabling collaborative and
partnership working
Three core competences were agreed by the
executive team to drive forward the organisation's
new mission.4 Other key aspects of restructuring
New posts of area executive directors were created
to provide a clearer accountability framework
between regional directors and the chief executive
and to facilitate greater connectivity between
offices.Embedding values to support the organisation's
strategy and structure
A culture group was set up involving 15 representatives
from every department and every region across the
country to ensure there was buy-in from all aspects of
the organisation and the group represented a crosssectional
slice of the organisation.All HR and IT posts previously based in
regional offices were brought together into two
teams, centralising these functional areas.A chief outcome of these WOW workshops was an
Developing organisation culture 5
individually tailored benchmark for each team against
which they could assess themselves and actions
which would lead to improvements in performance.Judged as likely to have the most synergistic
impact in achieving the organisation's mission, these
were identified as: (1) breadth of perspective,
(2) working collaboratively, and (3) accountability. In total, ten new competencies (including the three
core ones above) were linked to individual roles and
were then used as part of the recruitment process
for the new jobs that were created as part of the

النص الأصلي

An emphasis on new knowledge and behaviours
(competencies) enabling collaborative and
partnership working
Three core competences were agreed by the
executive team to drive forward the organisation’s
new mission. These competencies described the
nature of organisational processes now needed and
the types of staff behaviours needed to support
them. Judged as likely to have the most synergistic
impact in achieving the organisation’s mission, these
were identified as: (1) breadth of perspective,
(2) working collaboratively, and (3) accountability.
In total, ten new competencies (including the three
core ones above) were linked to individual roles and
were then used as part of the recruitment process
for the new jobs that were created as part of the
restructuring. Based on the new organisational and
individual staff competencies, a new approach to
performance management was also introduced to
shape behaviour change in April 2010.
4 Other key aspects of restructuring
New posts of area executive directors were created
to provide a clearer accountability framework
between regional directors and the chief executive
and to facilitate greater connectivity between
offices. All HR and IT posts previously based in
regional offices were brought together into two
teams, centralising these functional areas. New art
leadership groups were created to share learning
and knowledge across the organisation. During
this process of restructuring, approximately 400 of
the organisation’s 600 or so jobs were put at risk.
On completion of the restructuring process, the
organisation had reduced in size by approximately
one-third, losing around 150 posts.
Embedding values to support the organisation’s
strategy and structure
A culture group was set up involving 15 representatives
from every department and every region across the
country to ensure there was buy-in from all aspects of
the organisation and the group represented a crosssectional
slice of the organisation. The team spent six
months involved in visioning and reflection exercises,
examining what type of culture was needed to support
the new organisation for the next five years.
Once the new culture was identified, the culture
representatives (champions) briefed their regions
and departments. Shortly after the briefings, values
workshops were delivered across the organisation led
by the culture champions. More than 300 people were
engaged in workshops identifying the cultural values
that would fit the organisation’s desire to be ‘one
confident organisation’. Six values were agreed as: (1)
passionate, (2) knowledgeable, (3) bold, (4) nurturing,
(5) collaborative and (6) accountable.
Further workshops involving all staff then linked the
values with the organisation’s core competences.
Called ‘Ways of Working (WOW)’ workshops, these
involved each team assessing how well they performed
against the organisation’s three core competences.
A chief outcome of these WOW workshops was an
Developing organisation culture 5
individually tailored benchmark for each team against
which they could assess themselves and actions
which would lead to improvements in performance.
The outcome of the workshops would be monitored
centrally by the culture group after six months.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

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