
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

From the researcher's experience in the field of translation,
and while teaching different translation courses, he finds that
translation is not an easy task for most of the experienced
translators because of many different reasons.The researcher and other re-
searchers have noticed that the majority of Arab as well as
Saudi EFL students,who study translation courses, face such
these difficulties due to the cultural as well as the linguistic
gaps between Arabic and English (Al-Sohbani and Muth-
anna 2013; Dweik and Abu Helwah 2014; Almubark, Abd.The researcher believes that
clarifying and illustrating these reasons when translating lit-
erary works in particular helps the translator to convey the
SL text into an accurate close TL text.

النص الأصلي

From the researcher’s experience in the field of translation,
and while teaching different translation courses, he finds that
translation is not an easy task for most of the experienced
translators because of many different reasons. The same sit-
uation face Arab as well as Saudi EFL students while trans-
lating due to many reasons and problems such as cultural,
stylistic, and linguistic ones. The researcher and other re-
searchers have noticed that the majority of Arab as well as
Saudi EFL students,who study translation courses, face such
these difficulties due to the cultural as well as the linguistic
gaps between Arabic and English (Al-Sohbani and Muth-
anna 2013; Dweik and Abu Helwah 2014; Almubark, Abd.
Manan; and Al-Zubaid 2014; and Bakir and Lazim 2015).
The researcher, while teaching translation courses and
for different academic levels, has noticed that students face
a lot of problems when they are set to translate some literary
texts, so the researcher hopes to find and discus the reasons
behind these problems. This fact is supported by other Arab
researchers such as Elachachi 2015,and Jabak, Abdullah,
and Mustapha 2016.
In translating texts of different sources, it is expected to
find some terms or expressions that are difficult to be trans-
lated despite their importance in understanding the whole
text and for grasping its content. The researcher believes that
clarifying and illustrating these reasons when translating lit-
erary works in particular helps the translator to convey the
SL text into an accurate close TL text.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

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