
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

in Othello, the evil character is lago.Although Othell considers him as an honest friend and trusts him blindly, he is really a man of hypocrisy.This character is plotting to bring Othello to his tragic fall since the beginning till the end of the play.He is a manipulating character who is able to deceive all around him.

النص الأصلي

in Othello, the evil character is lago. This character is plotting to bring Othello to his tragic fall since the beginning till the end of the play. He is a manipulating character who is able to deceive all around him. Although Othell considers him as an honest friend and trusts him blindly, he is really a man of hypocrisy. Early in act one he makes it clear by saying "I am not what I am". He is a double faced orator whose evil deeds are driven by jealousy. He is plotting against Othello as Othello preferred to promote Cassio at his expense. He thought that he deserves that promotion so he decides to get rid of both by exploiting Rodrigo as a source of money to achieve his goal. Also, lago is seen as a man of great intelligence as well as his eloquence helps him to have control over the feelings of the rest of the characters, especially Rodrigo and Othello. He plots restlessly to transform the kind and noble Othello into a killer and a suicide committer. He has shown a great ability to discover the weaknesses of others and bring them to their own destruction. He is a liar who uses all these villain qualities to achieve his evil deeds. Shakespeare makes the qualities of his villain known to reader from the very beginning of the play. Readers and audience do not feel any type of empathy with him. We know his dirty plots and we classify him as a devil from the very beginning and we keep this attitude till the end of the play. Just like our view about him, he doesn't experience any sort of change. He starts as a villain and he ends as a villain too. That's why we cannot find any sort of excuse for his deeds. He is not a complex character as his personality traits are clear to us and he doesn't experience any change till the end of the play.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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