
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

They found two bodies in that bag, and those two bodies were missing people.After she took the witnesses' statements, she began to doubt her friend (Margaret) because she met all the characteristics
And (Julie) started watching her friend (Margaret) when they went to collect evidence and she found that (Margaret) had stolen criminal evidence, not to put it in the investigation bag, not to steal it with her, which increased Julie's suspicion of (Margaret), but because of (Julie's) extreme intelligence, she did not tell ( Margaret) or make her feel something to confirm suspicions and gather evidence
Julie, because she is very smart, placed a hidden eavesdropping camera in the middle of the button of Margaret's shirt so that everything could be imagined and everything would be listened to after a while.

النص الأصلي

They found two bodies in that bag, and those two bodies were missing people. After a short while, Julie searched the old records and found that there were 5 witnesses who were able to escape. She took the 5 witnesses and met with them secretly about Margaret, and they all agreed that the killer was blonde. She has blue eyes, is tall and very thin, and wears red heels. Before they fainted, they only heard a whistling sound!
After she took the witnesses' statements, she began to doubt her friend (Margaret) because she met all the characteristics
And (Julie) started watching her friend (Margaret) when they went to collect evidence and she found that (Margaret) had stolen criminal evidence, not to put it in the investigation bag, not to steal it with her, which increased Julie’s suspicion of (Margaret), but because of (Julie’s) extreme intelligence, she did not tell ( Margaret) or make her feel something to confirm suspicions and gather evidence
Julie, because she is very smart, placed a hidden eavesdropping camera in the middle of the button of Margaret's shirt so that everything could be imagined and everything would be listened to after a while. She would listen to Margaret saying that evidence was beginning to appear and that it would be revealed.
After a period
Julie told Margaret that she wanted to present all the evidence to the court
When Julie and Margaret arrived at the court and entered the hall, Julie said: I accuse Margaret of this case based on this evidence, and I presented to them all the evidence I found about Margaret.
Margaret was sentenced to life imprisonment

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

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