
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

Thermal stress is created by thermal expansion or contraction.A significant portion of the rise in sea level that is resulting from global warming is due to the thermal expansion of sea water.Glass cooking pans will crack if cooled rapidly or unevenly, because of differential contraction and the stresses it creates.Nuclear reactor pressure vessels are threatened by overly rapid cooling, and although none have failed, several have been cooled faster than considered desirable.Metal fillings (gold, silver, etc.) are being replaced by composite fillings (porcelain), which have smaller coefficients of expansion, and are closer to those of teeth.Thermal stress can be destructive, such as when expanding gasoline ruptures a tank.Thermal stress can explain many phenomena, such as the weathering of rocks and pavement by the expansion of ice when it freezes.Railroad tracks and roadways can buckle on hot days if they lack sufficient expansion joints.

النص الأصلي

Thermal stress is created by thermal expansion or contraction. Thermal stress can be destructive, such as when expanding gasoline ruptures a tank. It can also be useful, for example, when two parts are joined together by heating one in manufacturing, then slipping it over the other and allowing the combination to cool. Thermal stress can explain many phenomena, such as the weathering of rocks and pavement by the expansion of ice when it freezes.
Forces and pressures created by thermal stress can be quite large. Railroad tracks and roadways can buckle on hot days if they lack sufficient expansion joints. Power lines sag more in the summer than in the winter, and will snap in cold weather if there is insufficient slack. Cracks open and close in plaster walls as a house warms and cools. Glass cooking pans will crack if cooled rapidly or unevenly, because of differential contraction and the stresses it creates. (Pyrex is less susceptible because of its small coefficient of thermal expansion). Nuclear reactor pressure vessels are threatened by overly rapid cooling, and although none have failed, several have been cooled faster than considered desirable. Biological cells are ruptured when foods are frozen, detracting from their taste. Repeated thawing and freezing accentuates the damage. Even the oceans can be affected. A significant portion of the rise in sea level that is resulting from global warming is due to the thermal expansion of sea water.
Another example of thermal stress is found in the mouth. Dental fillings can expand differently from tooth enamel. It can give pain when eating ice cream or having a hot drink. Cracks might occur in the filling. Metal fillings (gold, silver, etc.) are being replaced by composite fillings (porcelain), which have smaller coefficients of expansion, and are closer to those of teeth.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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