
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (100%)

What does someone mean when they say something is Mediterranean?The popular crops from the Mediterranean region, such as lemons and olives, can survive the long, dry, summer months.According to the country fact file, the
Mediterranean includes some parts of France, Portugal, Italy, Spain and all of Greece, Malta, and Cyprus.Most countries are on the Mediterranean Sea and have hot, dry summers, cool winters and a generally hilly landscape.In Spain, the Mediterranean locations include Malaga, Barcelona and Valencia.They developed the traditions of philosophy, art, literature, and medicine which are at the roots of modern Western and Middle Eastern culture.In Italy, the Mediterranean includes the islands of Sicily and Sardinia.It is located south of the coast of Turkey, west of Syria and Lebanon, north of Egypt and east of Greece.Sicily is the largest Mediterranean island with an area of 25,700 kilometres.The beaches extend for 46,000 kilometres and it has over 3,300 islands.The warm climate of the Mediterranean Sea region allowed many ancient peoples to live there.It is one of the smallest countries in Europe but the biggest Mediterranean island.The Mediterranean in France is called the French Riviera.Greece is usually the first country that most people think of as Mediterranean.There are 1,400 Greek islands and 83 of them are part of the Mediterranean.It separates Africa, Asia, and Europe.It is known as the Italian Riviera.The ancient Greeks made sea trade popular in that area.Malta is another island.Another island, called Cyprus, is very close to the Middle East and Europe.The Mediterranean is the world's most famous sea.

النص الأصلي

What does someone mean when they say something is Mediterranean? According to the country fact file, the
Mediterranean includes some parts of France, Portugal, Italy, Spain and all of Greece, Malta, and Cyprus. Most countries are on the Mediterranean Sea and have hot, dry summers, cool winters and a generally hilly landscape. The Mediterranean in France is called the French Riviera. In Italy, the Mediterranean includes the islands of Sicily and Sardinia. Sicily is the largest Mediterranean island with an area of 25,700 kilometres. It is known as the Italian Riviera. In Spain, the Mediterranean locations include Malaga, Barcelona and Valencia.

Greece is usually the first country that most people think of as Mediterranean. The ancient Greeks made sea trade popular in that area. There are 1,400 Greek islands and 83 of them are part of the Mediterranean. Malta is another island. It is one of the smallest countries in Europe but the biggest Mediterranean island. Another island, called Cyprus, is very close to the Middle East and Europe. It is located south of the coast of Turkey, west of Syria and Lebanon, north of Egypt and east of Greece.

The Mediterranean is the world’s most famous sea. It separates Africa, Asia, and Europe. The beaches extend for 46,000 kilometres and it has over 3,300 islands. The popular crops from the Mediterranean region, such as lemons and olives, can survive the long, dry, summer months. The warm climate of the Mediterranean Sea region allowed many ancient peoples to live there. They developed the traditions of philosophy, art, literature, and medicine which are at the roots of modern Western and Middle Eastern culture.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

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