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5 Reasons Why Starbucks is Popular Among Millennials

Coffee fuels us at any time of the day may it be a hot brew in the morning as a starter, your favorite latte in the afternoon to energize you, or a double shot espresso to keep you on-the-ball during your graveyard shift.Warm greetings and treats even from afar
Another more interesting feature of the mobile app and the website is the option for gift cards wherein they could gift amount to their friends and at the same time could attach digital gift cards with statements "For my forever friend," "You're the best, just sayin'," You're my hero," "Couldn't do it without you," "Happy Birthday. I got you coffee," and many other good wishes that the millennials could choose from.Being a limited edition and can only be ours through sticker collection make us want them even more, so as the month of November approaches, which means planner season in Starbucks, we are so caffeinated in collecting stickers to get our planner or organizer.Their mobile app and social media accounts enable their consumers to share their coffee interests and with just one click away, they could effortlessly engage the millennials to advertise their products.Qualifying products that will be uploaded on Starbucks app are equivalent to stars which can be redeemed for rewards like free food, drinks, and other purchases.Customers could also pay through the app so instead of shelling out money for a wallet, you could see millennials taking out their mobile phones from their pockets and get the codes scanned by Starbucks registers.Millennials love rewards and freebies, plus the convenience of going digital, so it is not surprising that we always find them regularly visiting this coffeehouse.Before, many people mock those who love to post those cups with that green double-tailed mermaid because they consider Starbucks as a mere status symbol for those who want to join the hype.The Starbucks baristas' artistry could serve you the most perfect handcrafted cup of coffee as well as the weirdest beverage recipe that you want to request.Generosity in giving rewards
Compared to other brands, Starbucks is more generous in giving rewards which engage millennials even more in buying coffee regularly.***
Millennials do not usually have time to make coffee at home and since Starbucks stores are strategically located near universities and workplaces, it serves as a to-go coffee shop for those who are in a hurry.Penetration to digital world
The coffee company really knows how to capture their target market that is why they delved into the use of technology to engage more millennials.Ambience and cafe's simple yet elegant design
Undeniably, there is something inviting with the ambience as you walk into a Starbucks store, aside from the irresistible aroma of their coffee.Older people are known to be more indulged in consuming coffee but nowadays, even millennials are so into it. The difference is that Generation Y prefers away-from-home coffee rather than home-made or instant.If it weren't just for a social media bandwagon, then why is Generation Y going crazy over a cup of coffee from Starbucks despite the presence of cheaper brands out there?For many reasons, its popularity becomes consistent, and no coffee brand could even come close to its supremacy among millennials.

النص الأصلي

5 Reasons Why Starbucks is Popular Among Millennials

Coffee fuels us at any time of the day may it be a hot brew in the morning as a starter, your favorite latte in the afternoon to energize you, or a double shot espresso to keep you on-the-ball during your graveyard shift. Coffee is not just a drink, it is also a hug that we need to comfort ourselves during a gloomy day, to make us sober after getting so wasted, or just wanting to have an extra boost for a long day of our duty. Older people are known to be more indulged in consuming coffee but nowadays, even millennials are so into it. The difference is that Generation Y prefers away-from-home coffee rather than home-made or instant.

Starbucks coffee is the most popular brand for millennials as it significantly stepped up its game to win the hearts of this generation. Its domination makes the company become a giant coffeehouse around the world. For many reasons, its popularity becomes consistent, and no coffee brand could even come close to its supremacy among millennials. Before, many people mock those who love to post those cups with that green double-tailed mermaid because they consider Starbucks as a mere status symbol for those who want to join the hype. However, millennials prefer this coffee brand not just for a flex.

If it weren’t just for a social media bandwagon, then why is Generation Y going crazy over a cup of coffee from Starbucks despite the presence of cheaper brands out there?
1. Penetration to digital world
The coffee company really knows how to capture their target market that is why they delved into the use of technology to engage more millennials. They are one of those first brands that established their own website for more than a decade now. They also develop mobile application wherein their customers could choose from varieties of drinks and pay using their mobile phones.
Starbucks also entered social media and uses language that millennials can understand and can relate to. The company also uses hashtags that their coffee lovers could use which is also a strategy to circulate words about their coffee. Their mobile app and social media accounts enable their consumers to share their coffee interests and with just one click away, they could effortlessly engage the millennials to advertise their products.

2. Warm greetings and treats even from afar
Another more interesting feature of the mobile app and the website is the option for gift cards wherein they could gift amount to their friends and at the same time could attach digital gift cards with statements “For my forever friend,” “You’re the best, just sayin’,” You’re my hero,” “Couldn’t do it without you,” “Happy Birthday. I got you coffee,” and many other good wishes that the millennials could choose from. Aside from the greetings, there are also cards without statements, only with graphics that could still serve their purpose to deliver warm greetings and treats. This unique way to connect with friends and loved ones also win the preference of millennials. They surely love the extraordinary.
3. Ambience and café’s simple yet elegant design
Undeniably, there is something inviting with the ambience as you walk into a Starbucks store, aside from the irresistible aroma of their coffee. The cool vibes that the café have gives comfort to the millennials. From color scheme up to the strategic location, the stores lure their customers to keep on coming back and be loyal to them. Aside from being a coffee shop, Starbucks also serves as a study or working area and a meeting place for students and young employees. They notice how their cafes serve these purposes that is why they placed outlets near the tables. The cafés sometimes transform as a library or an office, and the management is totally okay with that.
4. Whipping up inventive drinks
One of the reasons why millennials cannot get enough of Starbucks is because of their inventive drinks. Their baristas are so creative and skilled when it comes to handcrafted coffee. You could ask for personalized beverage even though the combination is not in the menu. The Starbucks baristas’ artistry could serve you the most perfect handcrafted cup of coffee as well as the weirdest beverage recipe that you want to request. In fact, you could order just a tap water with cold foam sitting at the top. Yep, you could personalize your Starbucks beverage and reaching that strange level. Millennials love to explore and innovate. They love to discover new things that will suit their preference, and this is another evident reason why Generation Y choose Starbucks over other coffee shops.
5. Generosity in giving rewards
Compared to other brands, Starbucks is more generous in giving rewards which engage millennials even more in buying coffee regularly. We can’t get enough of aesthetic Starbucks planner and travel organizer. Being a limited edition and can only be ours through sticker collection make us want them even more, so as the month of November approaches, which means planner season in Starbucks, we are so caffeinated in collecting stickers to get our planner or organizer.
Aside from this, Starbucks also takes care of their customers’ loyalty through rewards program. Qualifying products that will be uploaded on Starbucks app are equivalent to stars which can be redeemed for rewards like free food, drinks, and other purchases. Customers could also pay through the app so instead of shelling out money for a wallet, you could see millennials taking out their mobile phones from their pockets and get the codes scanned by Starbucks registers. Millennials love rewards and freebies, plus the convenience of going digital, so it is not surprising that we always find them regularly visiting this coffeehouse.

Millennials do not usually have time to make coffee at home and since Starbucks stores are strategically located near universities and workplaces, it serves as a to-go coffee shop for those who are in a hurry. Yep, millennials are always in a hurry. They want instant yet quality, and Starbucks coffee perfectly suits this ideal. The company truly knows how to hit the bull’s eye and its success in dominating their target market resonates across the globe.
 You see, millennials love Starbucks coffee not just because it serves as a status symbol. It is not a flex that they could afford to splurge. It is not totally about bragging. The innovation, exclusivity, and convenience that Starbucks give for their generation are what make them keep on being pulled back to this coffeehouse.
Source: 5 Reasons Why Starbucks is Popular Among Millennials - We Inform

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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