
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (65%)

In addition to the prohibition of specific industries, Islamic finance does not trade in the fixed income market and does not allow the receipt or payment of interest.Sukuk represents certificates of equal value with undivided beneficial (proportional to the investor's participation) ownership in the underlying assets (both tangible and intangible), usufruct, services, or investment in selected projects or special investment activities, whereas a bond represents the issuer's pure debt.According to the Accounting and Auditing Organization of Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOFI): The Investment Sukuk are certificates of equal value indicating undivided shares in ownership of tangible assets, usufructs, and services, or ownership of a project's or special investment activity's asset.Also the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) define the sukuk : Sukuk (certificates) each of which indicates the holder's proportional ownership in an undivided share of an underlying asset where the bearer undertakes all rights and duties to such an asset.Furthermore, Islamic finance instruments mirrored similar characteristics by Islamic zing conventional financial products such as Sukuk against bonds.Ijarah Sukuk, Musharakah Sukuk, Murabaha Sukuk, Mudarabah Sukuk, Istisna Sukuk, and combinations of these types are the most frequent 14 varieties of sukuk on the worldwide market.This direct link between investment and profit distinguishes Islamic banking from conventional banking, which views shareholder wealth maximization as the main goal of the company.Sukuk investments worth vast sums have arisen recently, and numerous Islamic institutions have committed to them.In the last part we defines some differences between the sukuk and bond which The discrepancies might be attributed to operational technique, legal principles, and financial strategy.firstly bond traders' primary goal is to profit from rising fixed-interest bond prices when changeable market interest rates decline.Lastly Sukuk varies from bonds in terms of interest rates and the inclusion of deferred payments.Sukuk have been increasingly popular in recent decades as demand for Islamic financing products has expanded.Bond trading is thus primarily concerned with profiting from interest rate changes and dealing in paper that is unconnected to the value of any underlying asset.

النص الأصلي

In addition to the prohibition of specific industries, Islamic finance does not trade in the fixed income market and does not allow the receipt or payment of interest. In practice, Islamic finance is like conventional financing. Investors and lenders have a right to a reasonable rate of return; the difficulty is the assurance of the return. This direct link between investment and profit distinguishes Islamic banking from conventional banking, which views shareholder wealth maximization as the main goal of the company. Furthermore, Islamic finance instruments mirrored similar characteristics by Islamic zing conventional financial products such as Sukuk against bonds. Both are utilized for long-term investing, but each has its own technique. Sukuk have been increasingly popular in recent decades as demand for Islamic financing products has expanded. Sukuk investments worth vast sums have arisen recently, and numerous Islamic institutions have committed to them. The Arabic term for an Islamic investment trust certificate is Sukuk, plural of Sakk (Arabic: Sakk, Sukuk). Sakk, which is said to be the source of Islam's golden time inside the 13th century. Any certificate establishing a contract or transaction of property was referred to as a cheque. Shariah-compliant financial rights, duties, or money transactions for growing trade operations. According to the Accounting and Auditing Organization of Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOFI): The Investment Sukuk are certificates of equal value indicating undivided shares in ownership of tangible assets, usufructs, and services, or ownership of a project's or special investment activity's asset. Also the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) define the sukuk : Sukuk (certificates) each of which indicates the holder's proportional ownership in an undivided share of an underlying asset where the bearer undertakes all rights and duties to such an asset. Ijarah Sukuk, Musharakah Sukuk, Murabaha Sukuk, Mudarabah Sukuk, Istisna Sukuk, and combinations of these types are the most frequent 14 varieties of sukuk on the worldwide market. In the last part we defines some differences between the sukuk and bond which The discrepancies might be attributed to operational technique, legal principles, and financial strategy. firstly bond traders' primary goal is to profit from rising fixed-interest bond prices when changeable market interest rates decline. Bond trading is thus primarily concerned with profiting from interest rate changes and dealing in paper that is unconnected to the value of any underlying asset. This is an important distinction since the connected asset gives Sukuk its value. Returns on Sukuk are also generated from the performance of an underlying asset or a contractual arrangement based on that asset. Secondly In terms of underlying structure and provisions, Sukuk vary from Bonds. Sukuk represents certificates of equal value with undivided beneficial (proportional to the investor's participation) ownership in the underlying assets (both tangible and intangible), usufruct, services, or investment in selected projects or special investment activities, whereas a bond represents the issuer's pure debt. Lastly Sukuk varies from bonds in terms of interest rates and the inclusion of deferred payments. Interest rates are charged in traditional finance, and if the borrower does not repay on time, the accumulated interest is added to the principal, and therefore interest earns interest, dependent on how long the funds are used by the borrower.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

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