
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (100%)

B- At the level of individuals: represented in the availability of a set of
ingredients and skills that a person must possess to become a contractor, which
- Personal skills: They include several characteristics available in the
contractor, and they are:
o The need for achievement: includes the individual's desire to provide
the best performance, striving to achieve goals, assuming responsibility,
and working on innovation, continuous development, and excellence;
Therefore, the contractor always evaluates his performance and
achievement in light of standard and unusual standards;
o Self-confidence: by owning the self-constituents and intellectual
abilities to create business projects, by relying on oneself and individual
capabilities and his ability to think, manage and make decisions to solve
problems and face future challenges, due to the presence of a state of
self-confidence and confidence in his abilities and confidence in them;
ofuture vision: looking to the future with an optimistic view and the
possibility of achieving a distinguished position and increasing levels of
oSacrifice and Perseverance: Contractors believe that achieving
success and ensuring its continuity is achieved through perseverance,
patience and sacrifice of immediate desires in order to achieve future
hopes and goals.At first the commission
Bellakhdar Messaouda
received nineteen projects, sixteen of which were selected, and distributed to
Auvergne, Limousin, Nord-pas de Calais, Poitou-Charentes and Provence; The
Ministry assigned the entrepreneurial House in Grenoble the task of
coordinating between the various Entrepreneurial Houses through the creation
of a network that unites them and coordinates between the various
accompanying bodies.- Technical skills: They are represented in experience, knowledge and high
technical ability related to the technical activities of the project in various
fields such as production, sale, storage and financing, and these skills help
in managing the project's work significantly
- Interactive skills: the capabilities of communication, transfer of
The role of the Entrepreneurial House in Algeria to develop the
entrepreneurial culture and raise the spirit of initiative
information, receiving feedback, discussing decisions before issuing them,
persuasion.....etc., which the contractor needs in the event of transferring
the necessary powers to manage the activity to others;
- Human skills: represented in the capabilities that enable the contractor to
develop his relationships with his subordinates and colleagues to serve the
project and the organization in general, as these relationships are based on
respect, trust and continuous support for the human element inside the
organization, and attention to its problems outside it, and they are
capabilities related to motivation and win over to others, and good
treatment behave tactfully with the members of the organization;
- Intellectual and analytical skills: such as the ability to analyze problems
and make decisions, find the relationship between problems and their
causes, and the ability to look at the organization as a whole and not as a
part, in addition to understanding the relationships that arise between the
various functions of the organization.The establishment of the Entrepreneurial House:
The establishment of the Entrepreneurial House, according to what
Boissin refers to, dates back to the region of Grenoble, France in the year 2002,
with the support of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research;
Later, the experience was transferred to many countries of the world, such as
Algeria, Canada, Brazil..., where the experience was presented during many
study days and international forums such as Canada, Tunisia, Finland and
Sweden...So, the idea developed in France and expanded at the state level
through the formation of a national committee to select projects for the
establishment of many Entrepreneurial Houses at the level of the various
French regions, where it was formed from actors from the Ministry of Higher
Education and Research, and the industrial sector.The Entrepreneurial House as one of the mechanisms for developing
entrepreneurial culture and the spirit of initiative: Algeria has created
many facilities and bodies to support initiatives and spread the entrepreneurial
culture, and to support and accompany contractors to realize their projects;
Among these organizations that support entrepreneurial thought is the
Entrepreneurial House, which we will highlight in order to define its tasks and
objectives .oDesire for independence: It means self-reliance in achieving goals and
objectives and constantly striving to establish independent projects that
are not characterized by partnership, especially when they have sufficient
financial resources.The mission of the Entrepreneurial House is mainly to
provide accompaniment for university students who have a desire to establish
projects, by providing the necessary requirements to be able to find their ideas
and set up their own projects (Zaidi & Abd EHamid, 2021, p. 95).Contractors also exclude work when scaling so that
they can express and truly achieve their ideas, opinions and aspirations.4.4.1.

النص الأصلي

B- At the level of individuals: represented in the availability of a set of
ingredients and skills that a person must possess to become a contractor, which
− Personal skills: They include several characteristics available in the
contractor, and they are:
• The need for achievement: includes the individual's desire to provide
the best performance, striving to achieve goals, assuming responsibility,
and working on innovation, continuous development, and excellence;
Therefore, the contractor always evaluates his performance and
achievement in light of standard and unusual standards;
• Self-confidence: by owning the self-constituents and intellectual
abilities to create business projects, by relying on oneself and individual
capabilities and his ability to think, manage and make decisions to solve
problems and face future challenges, due to the presence of a state of
self-confidence and confidence in his abilities and confidence in them;
•future vision: looking to the future with an optimistic view and the
possibility of achieving a distinguished position and increasing levels of
•Sacrifice and Perseverance: Contractors believe that achieving
success and ensuring its continuity is achieved through perseverance,
patience and sacrifice of immediate desires in order to achieve future
hopes and goals. Therefore, the sure guarantee of these projects is that
they stem from hard work, diligence, and giving.
•Desire for independence: It means self-reliance in achieving goals and
objectives and constantly striving to establish independent projects that
are not characterized by partnership, especially when they have sufficient
financial resources. Contractors also exclude work when scaling so that
they can express and truly achieve their ideas, opinions and aspirations.
− Technical skills: They are represented in experience, knowledge and high
technical ability related to the technical activities of the project in various
fields such as production, sale, storage and financing, and these skills help
in managing the project’s work significantly
− Interactive skills: the capabilities of communication, transfer of
The role of the Entrepreneurial House in Algeria to develop the
entrepreneurial culture and raise the spirit of initiative
information, receiving feedback, discussing decisions before issuing them,
persuasion.....etc., which the contractor needs in the event of transferring
the necessary powers to manage the activity to others;
− Human skills: represented in the capabilities that enable the contractor to
develop his relationships with his subordinates and colleagues to serve the
project and the organization in general, as these relationships are based on
respect, trust and continuous support for the human element inside the
organization, and attention to its problems outside it, and they are
capabilities related to motivation and win over to others, and good
treatment behave tactfully with the members of the organization;
− Intellectual and analytical skills: such as the ability to analyze problems
and make decisions, find the relationship between problems and their
causes, and the ability to look at the organization as a whole and not as a
part, in addition to understanding the relationships that arise between the
various functions of the organization.
4. The Entrepreneurial House as one of the mechanisms for developing
entrepreneurial culture and the spirit of initiative: Algeria has created
many facilities and bodies to support initiatives and spread the entrepreneurial
culture, and to support and accompany contractors to realize their projects;
Among these organizations that support entrepreneurial thought is the
Entrepreneurial House, which we will highlight in order to define its tasks and
objectives .
4.1. The establishment of the Entrepreneurial House:
The establishment of the Entrepreneurial House, according to what
Boissin refers to, dates back to the region of Grenoble, France in the year 2002,
with the support of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research;
Later, the experience was transferred to many countries of the world, such as
Algeria, Canada, Brazil..., where the experience was presented during many
study days and international forums such as Canada, Tunisia, Finland and
Sweden...So, the idea developed in France and expanded at the state level
through the formation of a national committee to select projects for the
establishment of many Entrepreneurial Houses at the level of the various
French regions, where it was formed from actors from the Ministry of Higher
Education and Research, and the industrial sector. At first the commission
Bellakhdar Messaouda
received nineteen projects, sixteen of which were selected, and distributed to
Auvergne, Limousin, Nord-pas de Calais, Poitou-Charentes and Provence; The
Ministry assigned the entrepreneurial House in Grenoble the task of
coordinating between the various Entrepreneurial Houses through the creation
of a network that unites them and coordinates between the various
accompanying bodies. The mission of the Entrepreneurial House is mainly to
provide accompaniment for university students who have a desire to establish
projects, by providing the necessary requirements to be able to find their ideas
and set up their own projects (Zaidi & Abd EHamid, 2021, p. 95).

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

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مميزات أخري

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