
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

They always say a dog is a man's best friend, and I never thought this quote carried literal meaning until I
raised Ramsay.I spent three beauties years
with Ramsay, until his illness took him away from me. I still remember that awful day, It was Friday morning
when his veterinarian called me. The sight of his name on my phone was frightening, and I picked up
knowing that he would deliver me the news; reassuring that his kidney failure was too advanced, and that it
was not in my power to help.It is a good thing that he fathered children; knowing a piece of him still lives in this world
is calming, and seeing that his puppies inherited many of his features makes me certain that I will not forget
him.He obeyed orders blindly, and I
could almost never hear his voice because he hated barking.He took only one week to train.

النص الأصلي

They always say a dog is a man’s best friend, and I never thought this quote carried literal meaning until I
raised Ramsay. We lived together in my dreary, mundane home, which was later full of life because of him. It
hurts to remember that he suffered greatly because of his illness, but the memories of the good times we had
somehow comforts me.
Ramsay was an example of a perfect dog. He took only one week to train. He obeyed orders blindly, and I
could almost never hear his voice because he hated barking. My heart was overfilled with joy and warmth
when I came back home to find a ball of brown fur waiting for me by the door. I spent three beauties years
with Ramsay, until his illness took him away from me. I still remember that awful day, It was Friday morning
when his veterinarian called me. The sight of his name on my phone was frightening, and I picked up
knowing that he would deliver me the news; reassuring that his kidney failure was too advanced, and that it
was not in my power to help. I still remember how he woke me up in the morning, tapping on my face with
his paws to help. It is a good thing that he fathered children; knowing a piece of him still lives in this world
is calming, and seeing that his puppies inherited many of his features makes me certain that I will not forget
Finally, although losing my best friend was a soul-shattering experience for me, it thought me plenty. Losing
the things you love is inevitable, so I have learnt to live with that. Instead of making it destroy me, I should
always carry on. After all, my heart is big enough to be filled with plenty of puppies that need love.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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