
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

Healthy diets around the world

Harry Chen is a fitness expert.This is because firstly people eat small portions on separate small plates not one big plate Secondly some people eat until they are about 80 percentful then wait for ten minutes to see they are still hunpy This is called hors hachi bu

8 The Mediterranean diet

Health empers know that a lot of oil in your det is unhealthy The Mediterranean det for example, in Greece, haly and Spam) contains a lot of ol but it very healthy det.There is along tradition of ingetarian food in the ama They eat some meat but not much in South India, they add a lot of herbs and spion le creamon and tumento fer cooking The spice not only the food viciou and attractive, but they are a good for demon that some of these spoes can chan heart and car

النص الأصلي

Healthy diets around the world

Harry Chen is a fitness expert. In his new book, he describes three healthy diets from around the world and tells us what we can learn from them

A The Japanese diet

People in Japan are generally very healthy and one of the main reasons is fish. The japanese det includes a lot of fish which contains healthy oil Another mason is that they also eat a lot of fruit and vegetables for any meal including breakfast. People in Japan eat less than in other countries. This is because firstly people eat small portions on separate small plates not one big plate Secondly some people eat until they are about 80 percentful then wait for ten minutes to see they are still hunpy This is called hors hachi bu

8 The Mediterranean diet

Health empers know that a lot of oil in your det is unhealthy The Mediterranean det for example, in Greece, haly and Spam) contains a lot of ol but it very healthy det. The is because they see oil which is good for your heat Another important factor is that they eat a lot of fut and vegetaties Vegetables in these courtres are sen main die not junhes Finally people thaly and ends and sometimes mellan hours The meand people are relaxed and they dont et too much

C. The South Indian diet

There are many different gonsin interes types of food. The Soutely healthy ait contains a lot of fut and vegetables. There is along tradition of ingetarian food in the ama They eat some meat but not much in South India, they add a lot of herbs and spion le creamon and tumento fer cooking The spice not only the food viciou and attractive, but they are a good for demon that some of these spoes can chan heart and car

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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