
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

Edward Albecker noted that at that point need to interject something which is a delicate matter between members they have spoken about how he wanted be clear it involves the CEO and the chairman and it has nothing to do with him but it has to do with the perception rather than reality, he will be the Devil's Advocate but he does not want them to get the wrong impression it is not his opinion but other people e opinion they hear it outside and need to be vented at the board meeting.He noted Peter Waldron call him and told him when the CEO talks it looks like the DLP criticizing the BLP.Last incident where the Minister said that this minister will not be reducing and will not stop the importation of chicken wings.

النص الأصلي

Edward Albecker noted that at that point need to interject something which is a delicate matter between members they have spoken about how he wanted be clear it involves the CEO and the chairman and it has nothing to do with him but it has to do with the perception rather than reality, he will be the Devil's Advocate but he does not want them to get the wrong impression it is not his opinion but other people e opinion they hear it outside and need to be vented at the board meeting. Last incident where the Minister said that this minister will not be reducing and will not stop the importation of chicken wings. He noted the CEO or have not made any comments about chicken wings recently but he had many many comments when his party was in. He noted it is not his opinion but the opinion of the other board members on the board and and persons on the outside every time, when the CEO speaks it is the dlp speaking not necessarily the BAS?BEPPA, it is not the perception but the difficult thing and the chairman used to be big with the dlp, there is a problem when the BEPPA speaks and they are not truly effective, he does not have the solution to a but he want to let the board be aware what people are saying. He noted Peter Waldron call him and told him when the CEO talks it looks like the DLP criticizing the BLP. He noted he is just throwing it out there for discussion he does not know what the solution is.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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