
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (19%)

Riyadh, December 14, 2023, SPA -- The Board of Directors of the Qiddiya Investment Company announced today the launch of the Qiddiya project's Gaming & Esports District, which is the first multi-use gaming and esports district in the world.The district will welcome leaders of the gaming and esports sector, and will provide regional headquarters to more than 30 leading video games development companies.With the aim of attracting players from all over the world, the district will enhance the Kingdom's position as a global center for gaming and esports.

النص الأصلي

Riyadh, December 14, 2023, SPA -- The Board of Directors of the Qiddiya Investment Company announced today the launch of the Qiddiya project’s Gaming & Esports District, which is the first multi-use gaming and esports district in the world. With the aim of attracting players from all over the world, the district will enhance the Kingdom’s position as a global center for gaming and esports.
The announcement of the Gaming & Esports District is an extension of the support of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince - may Allah protect him - for the gaming and esports sector through the launch of the National Strategy for Gaming and Esports, and many initiatives that would contribute to achieving the Kingdom’s goals in the sector, which attracts the interest from two-thirds of society’s members.
On the launch, the Managing Director of Qiddiya Investment Company, Abdullah bin Nasser Aldawood, said: “The gaming and esports sector is one of the fastest growing, and we can see the ambitious plans of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to advance it. Our role will be to host major events and tournaments by developing the infrastructure so that Qiddiya City can invite the world to live, learn and compete in gaming and esports”. Aldawood added: The gaming and esports district in Qiddiya City is not only for esports professionals, but rather for gaming enthusiasts of all levels and ages. This district turns the world of gaming into a tangible reality. This area will be the place where the gaming community feels welcome.”
The district is expected to include 4 arenas designed to the highest standards to host the most prominent global events in the gaming sector throughout the year, with the capacity of the stadium reaching 73,000 seats. One of the venues will have 5,300 seats, making it one of the three largest esports stadiums in the world. It will also have the largest indoor LED screen among all esports areas around the world.
The district will cover more than 500,000 square meters, including 100,000 square meters dedicated to retail, dining and entertainment. It will become the place for gamers from all walks of life to live, work and play, with gaming-themed apartments and hotels.
The district will also host up to 25 esports clubs from around the world to live, train and compete. The district will welcome leaders of the gaming and esports sector, and will provide regional headquarters to more than 30 leading video games development companies.
The Gaming & Esports District, located in Qiddiya City will support the National Strategy for Gaming and Esports, which aims to make the Kingdom a global center for gaming and e-sports by 2030, and will play a major role in attracting up to 10 million visits annually.

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